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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Mummy's Day Take Two

It was our second Mother's day together and a quiet one for our family. The rain snuffed out our flower shopping plans but instead we took Alexander to an indoor playplace called Urban Toddler. He had a good time exploring the place but it was just a bit too old for him, as he's not quite yet into the imaginative play thing yet. When in the little kitchen, he turned on the "faucet" to fill up his little pot with water- Mama made the 'shhhhhhhhh' sound and said "Fill the pot with water. Are you going to make some soup?" And he just kept looking at her like she was crazy. "There's no water, Mama" he kept wanting to say, coming out in frustrated little whimpers. But overall, it was fun- especially for a rainy indoor kind of day. Alex especially liked the ramp and the toolbench, and pushing around the little car/strollers. And though we didn't get to do our flower shopping, we met Nana for dinner at Applebees for an evening to be with moms, exchange hugs and cards, and thanks for a lifetime of love.


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Looks like a REALLY F U N place to go, explore, discover. Will have to take Alexander there some time together. Do they have any driving type toys for him to go Zoom-Zoom fast like daddy. . .Love Yas Gma,Gpa


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