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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Alexander Goes to the Farm

Oh My! What a day of fun! This weekend when Grandma and Grandpa came down for a bit 'o visit, we were all in for a treat. We had thought about heading to the petting farm on Sabbath, but weather, (and baby) wasn't quite so cooperative. And so it worked out wonderfully on for us all to head to Domino's on a warm, sunny, breezy Sunday afternoon to meet a few favorite animals Alexander had heard so very much about. It was the rooster who first caught Alexander's attention with his welcome "cockadoodledoo" (that's cocorico in French you know). He turned all a-smile and pointed- laughing towards the funny sound when he noticed all sorts of feathered creatures scampering about. Into the barn we trundled towards a whirlwind of hens, pigs, piglets, goats and baby kids, cows (and baby calves), and some very strange creatures we didn't know what to call. Grandpa treated us all and especially Alexander to some feeding carrots. At first Alexander was a bit nervous to approach the animals and preferred to smile, giggle, and point from a distance. But once Grandpa showed him how the carrots worked, he delved right in to feed every creature he could and in the end probably went through a good three baskets of carrots. Each new set of animals brought more smiles and pointing (and feeding) from goats galore to feathered ducks, baby calf to dusty donkey. After quite the barnyard time, we washed up a bit and headed down to the shady pond for some Cheerios and grapes and a bit of a drink. Of course we had to share some Cheerios with the ducks too. We strolled by the pasture and watched the horses- even a day-old foal sticking tightly to its mother. "Patches" the pony and its keeper came strolling by but Papa had strictly instructed "No Pony Rides" and Grandpa begrudgingly complied. Though Alexander did take a cautious turn to pet him. Mama and Nana took lots of pictures, of course- with the animals, by the barn, on the tractor... At the end of the event we were weary, a bit sticky, and a bit farmified indeed. But the adventure left an impression Alexander hasn't yet forgotten. Now when we read his farm stories, or even Baby Jesus (with little donkey-' clip clop clip clop goes Little Donkey's hooves' ) Alexander turns a big grin and points "over there" remembering the animal he saw. I'm sure we'll be making at least one more trip to Domino's this summer and I'm sure the animals will all be waiting for their favorite little feeder.


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes what a enjoyable day it was. Alex gets so enthralled (can't spell), and excited over all God's creation from flowers to insects to little baby animals. He takes a few years off us old grndprnts when we spend time with him. Brings back so many memories of when our own boys were of that age. Love yas . . . gma,gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

David you are truely blessed with such a wonderful life and family. Alexander is an amazing boy, and I love being able to see pieces of his growing up thru WindkerWorld. Keep posting...Veronica


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