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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Five Years; June 29

For you - the sparkle in my day, my happiest thought, my heart, my warmest welcome home.

Thank you for five years. Five years of surprises and spontaneity, pillow talk and dreams come true. A journey begun- a million steps, and infinitely more to come, and now with this priceless little Winkling- me + you- to accompany us along the way.

Thank you for dreaming with me. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for loving me when it isn't easy to do. Thank you for learning with me all the crazy things that get us up the hills, holding me in the exquisite view at the top, and laughing with me- running with me- all the way down. Thank you for five unforgettable years. Thank you for an eternity more. "The best is yet to come..."


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