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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Happy Birthday Papa!!!

This was a very special year that David celebrated his thirtieth year of life. He'd said ages ago that he didn't want anything big- certainly no surprise parties, and we all know he's not big on extravagant gifts. So we had to think of some way to do a fun event and maybe 'some' of the above without the above. It actually turned out to be a busy day for a lot of our friends with guests coming into town, graduation weekends and events so everything just sort of fell into place perfectly for a special day with all the bits and pieces David loved.

Alexander's present for Papa was a brown and blue tie and sharp blue shirt that matched one he had and after church with matching Son and Hubby, we headed to Calvin and Ruthie's for yummy supper and afternoon hang-out with buddies Cal & Ruthie, Danowskis, Rosie, and Melissa (Jeff was out of town for the weekend for work). Alexander enjoyed playing with the new kittens and even took about an hour snoozy upstairs in his pack & play! The guys headed over for some of David's favorite stunt kite-flying and they even pulled out Calvin's SuperKite which, in the wind we've been having lately, turned out to be quite the stunt itself that left them sore for more than a couple days. Serena drove Alexander to Nana's who so graciously watched him overnight for a sleepover and returning to pick up David we headed out to Sterling Heights for some serious birthday speed.

Jeff, Yasmine, Troy, and Kelly came down from Saginaw and Rick, Rob, and Lou, and Tom met us with Calvin and Ruthie up at Kart 2 Kart- a top speed indoor go-cart spot Calvin knew about for a bit of sweets, singing and speed (go-cart style that is). Retired professional Calvin topped the charts- of course, but it was a good time for everyone and a perfect touch of excitement for the one whose wife wouldn't pay for skydiving. We rounded out the night with some snacks at a Middle-Eastern restaurant with Rob, Lou, Tom, Evita and a friend and made it home by 1:30- yes that's AM. That's waaaaaaaaay past your bedtime, old-timer!

It was a great day full of yummies (thanks Ruthie!), friends, a touch of excitement, and even presents. David even said that he had a really nice day and even though he doesn't usually want a big extravagant event with all the trimmings and cost, he truly appreciated it all and loved the day from beginning to end. Thank you to all who could share it with him.


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Anonymous Lynne Says:

Ya'll look like visitors from some of those distant galaxies I just checked out on AOL. Sure sounds like a guy-type fun day: chowing down, flying high, and speeding round and round with a crowd of buddies. Great birthday for a great guy! Love ya. yer mother-in-law =)

Anonymous xaxo Says:

I love the how the pictures turned out. You do great work my dear.


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