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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Hidden Lake in May

Nana came over for Sabbath dinner last weekend and after some sandbox time in the backyard and little snoozies for Papa and Nana, we headed out to Hidden Lake Gardens. We were a bit late for the blossoms and Narcissus, but spent a lovely evening and picnic supper in the green grassy meadows and rolling hills. Now that Alexander is walking.. well more like running everywhere he goes, it was a whole new adventure for us. Alexander loved running down the big hills with Mama and Papa, playing in the grass and finding pine cones and other treasures. His current favorite song is 'This Little Light of Mine,' and we sang many verses as from time to time he held up his finger to shine his 'light'. We watched and fed some fish in the pond, listened to the frogs in the lily pads, saw a raccoon eating supper in the tree and heard baby birdies chirping in the birdhouses. Alex was delighted by a family of deer who bounded across the field and then stopped to look at him while he waved. It's a whole new world to discover when there's a little one who is in such awe and wonder with each of God's creations. What a wide world awaits you, Alexander!


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Must be endless moments of wonderment to watch as Alexander drinks in his world. He is such a remarkable child, doesn't miss a thing . . . does he. Only wish we could have been there as well. gma/gpa


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