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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


A Very Special Gift

A box appeared on our doorstep the other day, and what a delightful surprise awaited us! Following a long-time family tradition, Aunt Nancy had sent to us a beautiful scrapbook filled with pictures and stickers of all of Alexander's favorite things. He immediately took to flipping through the pages, pointing out all the animals and things that he recognized. With smiles and squeals he lets us know which pictures he likes best, and sometimes mommy tells the stories about the new animals and points out all thats going on. Sometimes we have to remind him not to peel off the stickers and be gentle with the pages when he gets too excited. Shortly after he'll remind himself to be careful, "nononono" and shake his little finger. One of his favorite pages is the one with the kids and "friends." He loves the kitties too and 'barks' ("wawawawawawa") at all the doggies he sees. The pictures are simple and colorful and we seem to notice something new every time we go through it. What a treasure for both baby and mama & papa! Thank you Aunt Nancy for such a delightful gift, and all the time, care and love that went in to each page. What a very special gift, indeed!

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, July 02, 2008
At 11:21 AM
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Anonymous Nana Says:

It's awesome, Nancy! He'll get years of pleasure out of it. I have yet to finish Serena's though we'd look at the page layouts now and then that weren't stuck in yet. She became a sticker girl.
Alex, you look great in blue! (and navy, and green etc. =)) Have fun!
Love, Nana

Anonymous lmn Says:

The new bright, new, colorful flickr pictures are delightful. These two cuties are going to have a lot of happy memories together. And that's a cool park. Thanks for keeping us posted. Mum

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What a delightful way to keep memories. . . Alexander will be entertained with this treasure over and over and over again. Hey aren't stickers for peeling and moving to a new place?? :) love ya all, gma, gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Alexander, I hope you have fun with this book, looking at all the fun pictures, learn about all the different animals and laugh at the silly pictures. Besides being filled with pictures and yes, stickers that are stuck to the pages, it is filled with love.


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