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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Wee Luv Yu Papa!



for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I really like the b/w pic. But all of them are great. I'm sure Alexander will smile each time he's shown pics of him and pappa. The week will pass by quickly and pappa will be home again to play Alexander. . .see you at the cottage. . .love gpa,gma

Anonymous Lynne Says:

God bless your team in Ecuador, David. May the light you bring through His Spirit ignite and grow in that impoverished area. Safe travels. We'll miss you up north. Lynne

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Trying again...Love the black and white print of the 2 men of the house. David, hope you have a safe trip and return home safe and sound. We all know you'll be greatly missed by 2 people on Somerset! Serena, I hear Alex is a flirt with all the girls! Can't wait to see him sometime! Nancy


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