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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Alexander's Latest Words and Signs


By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, August 27, 2008
At 1:30 PM
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Anonymous Nana Says:

...and saying Hi, and waving bye. Those may be the words and signs, but he sure can let his ideas be known. I love his "I don't know", or "where is it?" wide eyed, both hands and shoulders up look; pulling your finger for "Come with me."; sort of bashful beaming when he's done something helpful; pointing or tapping on the place he wants you to be; also the "No, no, no, no" with serious pointing at something he knows he's not supposed to get into or do: and showing understanding as you describe recent events. He understands so much and will identify body parts, people, animals, objects. He'll go get something you ask for from another room and bring it, or follow "use your other thumb" to turn off a light or "go to the other side and pull the chair" (instead of lifting it) Just so many wonderous things - God has indeed given us amazing brains! Thank you, Lord!(Please help us to use them well and according to your will.)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

we agree well with nana . . . it's so amazing to observe Alexander's expressing himself, using his hand gestures for sign language, listening so intently to what is being said to him== even during 'time-outs' in mama's lap== Soon the never ending questions and 'whys' will start . . .yes Nana, it is beyond amazing the brain capacity God has given us. . love gma, gpa (didn't see those words listed--yet)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I was amazed at his knowledge and comprehension when I saw Alex in early August. We asked him to get the barn and animals from his room at Nana's, and here he comes with the set. He knew the animals and sounds they make, understood other things we said. His brain is a sponge and he seems to be absorbing everything he sees and hears. Lord, may he continue to grow learning about you and your love. Nancy


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