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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


First Tastes of Fall

Grandpa and Grandma came down this weekend to celebrate Grandpa's birthday and to spend some time with Alexander (and us too, I guess :) ), and Sunday morning we headed out to Plymouth Orchards to get that first swig of cider in for fall. Cider and donuts have always been a childhood tradition for Serena since she was little, so the six of us trekked over to introduce Alexander to the crispness of apple season. There were some fun little photo ops and a little petting farm for Alexander (with signs that say don't touch the animals- go figure!), and we wrapped up the morning with nothing less than apple cider and cinnamon donuts. Even so, Alexander still got cheese and crackers this year- he'll have to wait a bit longer for that unpasteurized and sugar coated stuff.

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, September 24, 2008
At 8:54 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Was a fun day out in nature, Alexander's excitement at everything is so delightful. So enthralled watching cider being made... doubt he knew what he was watching but still he was mesmerized by it. Next year we'll have to do it as a 'whole' family outting. Looking forward to seeing the other pics. Couldn't open up flicker.

Anonymous Nana Says:

It was a deliciously fun day with our little "sunshine" to spread smiles. Looking forward to keeping up a fun tradition. Love the airborne photo! He still says "boom, boom" when remembering the experience: apples falling into the masher. I thank the Lord for all these little delights in life. lmn


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