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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Summer Science .01 at Nana University

Summer report card written by Professor L. Johnson at Nana U.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, September 01, 2008
At 12:26 AM
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for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What a creative way to express Alexander's explorations & discoveries. He is so absorbed in the world created around him, such a sponge aborbing it's wonders, such a joy for us to view these pics. Lynne you have talent w/writing/poetry Serena with photo's/video's Daddy with techno/building Alex is bound to become one marvelous combo of them all. Think you all get an 'A' for this summer's explorations. Love GmaGpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Professor Johnson,what is so wonderful is that you make every-
thing we take for granted, a new lesson for Alexander. He's fascinated by the simple worm, or the size of rocks-he's always learning. And having fun! And he is like a living sponge - he listens to you and remembers it!
I hope he remains a student at Nana U for many years to come! Nancy


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