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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Summery Summary 2008

Just a little wrap up and reflection for waning summer days. What a time to remember as we embark on new adventures ahead!

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, September 14, 2008
At 12:39 AM
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for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Not enough space nor enough kleenx to express the awsomeness of this video. . .such talent/love/devotion went into it's creation. Yes the subject/material to work with AwesomeAlexander makes it all that more 'no words to express' We'll need a copy of this one. . . Love ya all thanks for the trip down memory lane. GmaGpa

Anonymous Sarah =) Says:

=) Beautiful!

I love the way Alexander helped David wash the car. It was priceless.

Can you believe I saw Angelica Quintero today at the post office in Berrien Springs?!! She was racing to class, but told me she has two kids, one a newborn, and that she'll be here one more year. She also said that she was thinking about Collonges and Serena last week. =) How funny!

Anonymous Mom/Nana Says:

In writing this time to let you know how my heart and eyes keep overflowing in love and praise and thanksgiving each time I view this.
It's a treasure of timeless sunshine; too vivid for words.
Thanks for such a gift. Love, Mom

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Michelle, you're right, not enough space or kleenex to say all I'm feeling right now, other than David and Serena are so blessed to have such a beautiful son.Alexander, you are so blessed, too, to have such great parents and grandparents. Thank you Lord for bringing this sunshine into all our lives! And, yes, I want a copy too! Love, Nancy


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