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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Hidden Lake... Again :)

Alexander and family are becoming regulars to a wonderful little spot called Hidden Lake Gardens. The spring time holds many delight of colors and smells, but fall has it own type of glory with the crunching of leaves and the crisp Autumn air. Grandpa and Grandma were able to join Nana and us on our fall trip this year and Alexander soaked up the fun of playing and horsing around with them. Up the hill, down the hill, up the hill, down the hill, good thing Grandpa is in such good shape. He certainly got his workout while there. Silly Papa decided that rolling down the hill would be much more fun except he forgot that he had just eaten a sack lunch that almost decided to visit again. Alexander enjoyed flopping in the leaves, watching a frog swim, feeding the fish, and riding on shoulders. What a day to remember. Sabbaths are truly special days and this one goes down in the books as one of the best so far. Thanks for the fun.

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, October 22, 2008
At 11:21 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Being in nature with Alexander is one exploration after another. He just soaks up all the sights, sounds and pleasure of God's world. What a wonderfully fun time we had, the weather couldn't have been nicer, the lunch yummier, time with family priceless, Love Gma,Gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I'm so jealous! What a fun time we used to have, jumping into the piles of leaves and rolling down the hills. At least we were smart enough not to have just eaten lunch... =) Wish I lived closer to be able to join you! Nancy


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