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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


The Wonderful World of Make-Believe

This little house that we got for Alexander has undoubtedly been his most favorite toy since he first laid eyes on it back in August. For the first while he would watch eagerly as Mama or Papa played with the people and they did routine things around the house that he was used to doing. After a while he would make the people do some things himself- go to bed, go potty, take a bath, cook in the kitchen, answer guests at the door. But the past few weeks with the initial help of a grown-up he's exploded into a creative little world of imagination making the people do all of his favorite things from playing hide and seek, to swimming in a big tupperware "pool" and wrapping up a towel when they're cold. They go to the park or church on little drawings by Nana and Mama and well, everyday at least once- someone has a birthday and we have to play "cake." He loves these little people of all shapes and sizes and species. Animals have birthdays too, you know.
He's also decided that it's fun to share snack with his favorite monkey, Zoobot. And the most recent play-by-himself activity is to play "cooking." A dash of this, two spoons of that. Some eggs, celery or carrots from the "store" at the sofa. (It's always at least three or four trips). He's been known to stir, measure, pour, and stir some more for nearly an hour. His favorite concoctions are soup and spaghetti. He likes to serve whoever will "pwe" with him. It might be too "hot" and need ice and blowing. Or maybe you'll get a stone in your soup in which case a loud "blech! eew! There's a stone in my soup!" is in order. In the end it's always "so very good." And he'll pour his portion back in the big bowl to tell you that it's all gone. What little delights he brings with his latest inventions and happy giggles.

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, November 23, 2008
At 9:43 PM
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Anonymous Nana Says:

Hooray! Even though I see him regularly, I look forward to the latest blog Yes, indeed, he's expanding his universe of mind. Mama and Papa's attention and time are certainly evident, yet he leaps off into his own world of ideas. He's so aware of "family" lately, vocalizing the word itself and listing each person present sometimes adding an adjective like "happy" with each name. We made muffins today and he remembered Grammy (helping with scrambled eggs on Sunday) when we cracked the egg. I could go on and on. He's just a wonder of delight. Thank you, Father.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Couldn't agree more . . . Alexander has quite the immagination/exploration gene. Each and every moment with him is a blessing. Even Uncle Brian was amazed at how advanced Alexander is and how well behaved he is. . . parenting by the spirit seems to be working well. luv gma,gpa


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