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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Back to Bethlehem

Nana, David and Alexande cheese in "Bethlehem" (click here for a flashback pic from last year)

This year, David worked as one of the city guides in A2's Walk-Through Bethlehem. When he, or any of our garbed up friends first approached him, Alex was quite taken aback, but a slow strange smile crept across his face as the light dawned. We really had a good time at this year's event. Alexander was happy just to hang out here and there and sit in some of the tents to do some crafts. His little buddy David even came by for a bit and they made some fish kites together. But most of the time he was content to loiter by Nana's produce stand and ask for "Zeenies" (raisins) to munch on, or occasionally tag around with other tykes his size. Well, who knows, maybe next year he'll do some dressing up. I hear they were a little short on sheep this year!

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 15, 2008
At 8:51 PM
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Anonymous Lynne Says:

What a change in a year. The Walk through Bethlehem event grew and improved, and this little fellow certainly grew in many ways as well. It's amazing to think of how Mary too delighted in her special little boy as he grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. What an awesome responsibility. As we each do have with the youth in our families. Praise God for his help.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes must agreeeeeee whole heartedly with Nana. . .Has been a amazing year of growth and development, but even more so of wonder joy blessings beyond immagination from Alexander (and mummy/papa too), Next year we'll have to come there for the Bethlehem walk event. Love gma gpa


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