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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Just for the record

We wanted to make note of some of the amazing things that Alexander is doing by his 20th month of life.

  1. Jumping with both feet off of the ground or off of other objects into our arms - changing table, climbers at the mall, etc....
  2. Chatting about everything that is going on, giving us a perpetual running commentary.
  3. He can count to ten with the help of Mama's fingers.
  4. Plays hide and seek in pretty good spots, and actually (usually) stays quiet when it is his turn to hide.
  5. Understands the game "your getting warmer/cooler" when searching for items.
  6. He can match, say, and choose when asked all nine basic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, brown, white)
  7. He is able to put a chain of paper clips together, and is very proud of himself when he does, though he still can't always take them apart.
  8. He's just beginning to try to sing with us on a few songs. (Kumbaya, Jesus loves the little ones like me)
  9. He is able to speak in a few little sentences. And answers "Oui Maman" when asked " Alex, est-ce que tu parles français?"
  10. Knows about half of his letters but doesn't have them in order yet.
  11. He's starting to use articles when speaking (a, an, the).
  12. Expresses his emotions. (happy, sad, talks about things that are fun or funny)
  13. Loves to talk about BIG and little or a little and a lot. (says WOAH for big and lalala for little)
  14. Can put on his socks, and has been able to take off his clothes for a few weeks.
  15. Knows, and freely tells you when he has to go/has gone "poopy".
  16. Beginning to learn when to say excuse me when he burps or farts.
  17. Must drop everything he is doing and have a grown-up run him outside every time he hears the "trash guy" on Monday mornings. They come by at least 4 times.
  18. Knows that the baby is part of his family and that it is in mama's tummy.
  19. Absolutely loves to cook and his favorite food to cook with is eggs.
  20. He is learning his shapes thanks to a cool puzzle at Nana's house. (He loves going to Nana's house)
  21. Talks about the people in his family including Grandparents and Tatou. And is happy to point out when the family is all together and how it makes everyone happy ("Mama, Papa, Zahzah, Nana in the car. Family. Happy Mama, Happy Zahzah etc...")
  22. Loves Sabbath School and Church and actually will be sad enough to shed a tear if he misses it.
  23. Loves to give his offering to Jesus and talks about going to church when you ask him where he is when he is hiding.
  24. Loves to hear us sing and requests quite firmly his favorite songs.
This baby has been amazing to watch grow and become such a little boy. He has so many other things he is able to do, say, choose, and understand that we could bore you to death with all of them. But this one's for us. In case he's just not documented enough :). We love you , Alexander!

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, December 04, 2008
At 9:44 PM
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for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

May feellike giving credit to all tha DHA in his foods over these past 20months; but is more likely the amount of one-on-one time, love, patience spent with ZahZah and more so even yet, the God given ability/blessings Alexander has DNA'd with. Could never 'bore' us with these blogs and yes Grandpa beat me to it again. Love ya lots: gma/gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Bore us? Never! It's so incredible to look back over the postings to see how much he has grown, and not just physically, in the past 20 months! He is so bright, so happy and so loved. Please keep these 'boring' blogs coming...I cherish every one of them! Nancy


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