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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


A Special Schaper Celebration

We were delightedly surprised this year when a couple of weeks before Christmas we heard some rumors that a Schaper gathering might be in the works. We've always loved hosting a "wallabalu" even in our little space, and we hadn't had a Schaper Christmas in a little while, so we were super pleased to hear of a surprise gathering to celebrate a special birthday for Aunt Nancy and do some festiviting with the whole crew. There were a lot of 'pendings' - weather, driving from out of staters, prior commitments- but everyone made it in by Saturday evening. We had our traditional (only slightly scaled down version) Noodle Bake dinner. And when the doorbell rang twice to reveal two sets of Northern Michigan Schapers (fighting foggy and on the way back icy roads) Aunt Nancy was quite surprised indeed. Later all 17 or so squeezed into our family room for presents for the kids and a very special gift for Aunt Nancy from the cousins.

The night ensued with chatting, yummies, a touch of cleaning up, and games around the table through the late hours of the night. We were excited to have cousins Mike and Dee with Trent and Lexi stay with us and share kid stories and tricks of the trade. Alexander, though a bit out of sorts after the high energy week talked about "Mik-n-Dee" coming to "our house" for several days. Nancy and Serena's mom returned to join us on Sunday morning for a yummy brunch and pictures galore before everyone had to head home. It was a fine weekend, and good just to have everyone together again for some good laughs and chatter even with the touch of chaos on the side. We're so very glad that everyone could make it down for a shadowy hint of the 'olden days' and we look forward to cottage events and warmer visits down the road.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 29, 2008
At 7:46 PM
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Anonymous Lynne Says:

How awesome it was to again have a whole family gathering at holiday time!! Even though short, it was a treasured event: fun games, chatting a bit, good food, catching up with kids as they got acquainted, and Nancy got surprised! Hooray!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Surprised is an understatement! But it was wonderful having everyone - well, almost everyone (Jake was missing) - celebrating the holiday again. And the cousins couldn't have shocked me more with their surprise. That picture says it all! So great to be all together again! Nan


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