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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Thanksgiving Times Two

This year we got to celebrate quite officially two Thanksgivings. Thursday, David and Alexander spent the morning (while sick-mama took some quiet time) helping Nana tuck in the yard with raking and weed pulling. And we all headed out to a (heaven-forbid) restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, we are slightly ashamed but the way we thought of it, why do all the cooking twice?

Alexander, Aunt Renee, & Bowser | Kid Meets Christmas Tree 2008 | Smiles with Grandpa

With Michelle working the holiday, we celebrated in royal Thanksgiving style on the weekend when after church we headed up north to Saginaw to meet everyone at David's parents'. It was a thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings Sabbath evening. Brian and Renee brought the newest family member, little Pomeranian Bowser who, after an initial nervous introduction thoroughly delighted Alexander with his bouncing, "kisses" and happy play. Though Roxy (Pom #1), Bowser, and Alexander had a couple 'cousinly' arguments about whose balloon was whose. Great Grandma joined us for Sabbath and Serena's mom of course came up for the event too, and though Brian was pretty sick for most of the weekend, we enjoyed good company and all the yummies. With Alexander in snug care with Grandmas and Grandpa, Serena and David headed out to visit with a couple of David's friends Saturday night to catch up on some long-lost video game and movie-watching time.

Games with Grandpa | Learning Connect Four | Lap Time with "Oma" Great Grandma

Sunday morning, Alexander was up and ready for a new day as early as usual and excitedly helped Grandma and Grandpa with the egg cracking, pancake flipping, brunch cooking. He's been talking about cooking at "Grammy's House" ever since. It was fun to get together with everyone and kick-off the holiday season. Alexander's been asking each week since if we are going to Grammy's house after church. We're looking forward to lots of fun family times in the next few weeks. For Christmas we get to celebrate at Brian & Renee's for more festivities and memories to share :). Thank you Lord, for the gift of Family!

Cracking Eggs (his favorite!!) for French Toast, Pancaking, and Brunching

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 01, 2008
At 2:30 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Just found this blog (gma found it first :) What a wonderful weekend of family time/fun/cooking it was too. Alexander is a great egg cracker - even if I do have to pick out the shells. love to all gma gpa

Anonymous Lynne Says:

This must have been lost in blog cyperspace, 'cause it's new to me too. That really was a wonderfully fun and delicious weekend! It's such a blessing to have family gatherings; Alex will be building many treasured memories. And thanks again M&M for such comfy quarters. Looking forward to the next gathering.

Anonymous Nana Says:

Oh, the raking was funny: Papa was raking one way and Alex was busily raking it back the other way. :))


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