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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Swingin' into Spring

With the gorgeous weather, we've been spending time outside pretty much every day, and Alexander has been just loving every minute of it. If you ask him if he wants to go outside he'll respond with an enthusiastic "yaaaaaaahhh!" Whether we trundle around in the yard, head down the street to the playground or make a longer trek to a local park, he's been soaking up the sunshine and swingin' into spring full-glide.


A Big Boy Sleepover...

Serena and I attended a Marriage Connections Weekend Seminar this weekend. It was a great retreat hosted by Buddy and Carmen Griffith in Novi and sponsored by the South Lyon New Beginnings Church. Nana watched Alexander most of the weekend including Saturday Night which gave us some time together to be "baby-free" for the first time in over a year. We came home to soup and sloppy-joe's from Nana and a most delightful letter from our genius-son:
Deer mama n papa,
See sum pikchers of me at nanaz hows! I stad all by miself to sleep ovrnit without yu! we went 2 sabath skul n church n i waz so exzited en wigly, but had big smils. Won time nana sed dont bonk yur hed so i had to gently try sum bonks in a few playcez. the ladeez lafed. after lunch en nap we went visitng mizes. stockwell. she sed u wer very blest parents to hav a boy lik me. I sayd so to- me to fer yu. Aftr supr we went to pony park wer yu went wen yu wer littel mama. but i mad nana nervuz on the jungel gim cuz i am so brav! then at bedtim nana found a old tape with kidz songs end littel girl mama as reeding a story in her sweet voic. then i herd mamas faverit lulaby music wen she was littel. I think nana was very hapy en sad at da same tim cuz she was siting bi mi krib end i herd a sniffl- she luvs yu a lot to mama. I slep all nit, end even late on Sunda 'til 8! I wil be hapy to see yu soon cuz I luv yu!

The magnet board is a favorite and putting magnets and toys in and out of the wastebasket. | Ready for Breakfast | The front entry is the favorite spot for mixing and stirring and putting on/off lids.

Waking up in Alex's corner of Nana's World


When Grandpa Comes to Visit

Alexander loves the days when Grandma comes down to visit and play. And when Grandpa comes too, now that is a real treat! The other week Alexander and Grandpa had some very special time together doing all of the favorite things that Alexander loves to do most. From sharing bananas to playing in Alex's "house" to riding in the tote like a roller coaster, he had fun all day. We aren't sure who enjoyed it more, but we are sure that days like this will be remembered. After waves good-bye and hugs and kisses Mama was quite sure she heard Alexander whisper to Papa "I hope I didn't make Grampa too tired. Will he come back to play with me again soon?"