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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Ecuador 2008

The completed daycare from the first trip with Serena in 2006 has been an invaluable resource for AFE | Kids line up for a good solid meal during VBS | Palmeras Village surrounding the mission.

Ecuador is a country that is constantly changing political leaders and often is in some type of revolt. All of this has contributed to the nations poverty and low education rate. This year I, David was able to join a group of individuals and head to a small town called Palmeras in Ecuador. We have been able to go to the same location for the pat 3 years and have truly received a blessing from the people there. Over the years we have built daycare, a healthy living school, and a playground. This year we were able to begin work on a church and fund the rest of its construction.

David & Kids | David and Andrea who we sponsor to school and may be coming to the states this winter! | Graciella (hanging) is Andrea's sister, and Jose (right in white) were two other kids, amongst others, who made close connections with the group.

Working with Daryl and Juanita is a great experience and their love for the people of Palmaras shines from their love for Jesus. I can't begin to describe the level of connection you have with the kids over the three years we have been going there. They are the best part of the trip. They are sooooo very happy to see you arrive, and want to play with you all day. They show you their coolest trinkets and want hugs and kisses all the time. They are hungry and dirty and full of life and a love that is simple and pure. You cannot spend a week with them and not fall in love with them and want to bring them home with you. The people there are the most kind and caring you have seen and they just need to know they are loved. When the time comes to leave there are long hugs and genuine tears. If you ever have a chance, if you ever thought you might want to do some mission work, if you thought you could be a blessing to someone somewhere in the world....go, and see what a blessing you actually receive and how you can continue to give and give but how you will never give more then you receive. God is good.

The kids throughly enjoyed the VBS program and crafts | This little one is very cold in the wintry 75+ degree temperature | Progress on the new church that the crew made during their week down there.


Cottage Daze

When David took off on his Ecuador venture this year (more on that to come...) Mama decided that she wasn't going to be left home alone for a week and deserved some time off as well. She took off from work, and on Wednesday Alexander, Mama and Nana ventured up north to Uncle Jim's cottage in Big Rapids for a little getaway. It was four days of beach, water, and relaxation blended with little boy excitement all around. Each day started with a morning walk to say hello to the big digger next door (the neighbor down the way is building a new cottage) and pick up nature nuggets for his treasure bucket- acorns, flowers, a rock or two, some birch bark... Most days included morning beach time before lunch, toy-time, and nap. Mama soaked up the nap time to color or read (I highly recommend Parenting by the Spirit for parents or will-be's or anyone, really). Afternoons were filled with more play, snack and sand time, before supper and a quiet evening. We went to visit Uncle Jim, Aunt Marlene and cousin Karen one evening for supper and after Alex went to bed, enjoyed some Serena-winning rounds of Flinch. :). Grandma and Grandpa came up Friday afternoon and joined us for the weekend just in time to take Alexander on his first speedboat ride with Uncle Jim's neighbor. Quite distraught at first, he was soon distracted by little dog, Oscar and in the end was toddling around the boat smiling and pointing. Grandpa loved playing with him in the sand and water, and Mama sifted out bowls of rocks and pebbles to be dumped back into the lake. Alexander learned that lemonade (especially the frozen kind) makes your face scrunch up when you lick it, and we all delighted each day in a nest of baby birds just outside the door. It was really a wonderful mini-vacation. We are really blessed to have such a treasure spot in the family and such a treasure-family to share with. Thanks up-north Schapers! See you again soon!


Wee Luv Yu Papa!



Beach Date with a Buddy

This week Alexander took his first trek down to Berrien to visit the newest buddy in town. We left in time for Alexander to take his morning nap most of the way down, and arrived to see our beautiful friend Holly just in time for lunch. It was so very good to see her and have some girly time to chat and hang out in simple things. She showed us all around her lovely new spot, swapped baby stories, did some catch-up, and headed out to Grand Mere Beach for two "first-Lake-Michigan-Experiences."

Robby B. is just about eight weeks old and it was quite the adventurous day for him. After some initial fears of the new beach sounds, and calming from mommy, he mostly just enjoyed rocking in the shady stroller on the sand, with occasional snacks and washcloth-on-head. Alexander took to the sand, stones, and water immediately. With his little shovel he filled his bucket with various combinations of the above, and loved watching the waves roll over his feet. Mama and babe headed out into the water more than a couple times to cool off and take a couple of dips much to Alexander's surprise and delight. He would bask on the towel to dry off and warm up, and then head back to the water's edge for more stone hunting, digging, wave wading with Mama...

We rounded out the evening at Mama's favorite park which now has a monstrous playground built just in time for Alexander to play! Sarah came out to join us, for a little chit chat amidst baby-chasing, and we finished up with subs chez les Fustés. On the way out we took a paruse through Andrews and showed Alexander all the fabulous places he could learn amazing things. "And if you to become a musician you can study here... or if you'd rather be a teacher, this building is for you..." We were on a late departure so we didn't stop for any pictures but, I'm quite certain we'll be back for a more royal tour sometime. Needless to say a very weary traveler slept all the way home. It was a good day: Good sunshine, good friends. "Every good and perfect gift is from above..."James 1:17


A Very Special Gift

A box appeared on our doorstep the other day, and what a delightful surprise awaited us! Following a long-time family tradition, Aunt Nancy had sent to us a beautiful scrapbook filled with pictures and stickers of all of Alexander's favorite things. He immediately took to flipping through the pages, pointing out all the animals and things that he recognized. With smiles and squeals he lets us know which pictures he likes best, and sometimes mommy tells the stories about the new animals and points out all thats going on. Sometimes we have to remind him not to peel off the stickers and be gentle with the pages when he gets too excited. Shortly after he'll remind himself to be careful, "nononono" and shake his little finger. One of his favorite pages is the one with the kids and "friends." He loves the kitties too and 'barks' ("wawawawawawa") at all the doggies he sees. The pictures are simple and colorful and we seem to notice something new every time we go through it. What a treasure for both baby and mama & papa! Thank you Aunt Nancy for such a delightful gift, and all the time, care and love that went in to each page. What a very special gift, indeed!

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, July 02, 2008
At 11:21 AM
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