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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Another Adventure in Summer Camping

We had to squeeze one more camping weekend into the summer before it slips away, so last weekend we headed back up to Pinckney for a family affair with Nana and Grandma and Grandpa. This time thanks to everyone, we had all the tricks and toys to "do it right." It was good to be out doors and fun tooling in the campfire and soaking up the smokey smells and sounds of campground life. Alexander seemed to remember everything including the "nonono" don't touch the firepit, and this time had no fear of tents, and thoroughly enjoyed crawling in and out (and under) at leisure. This weekend though was a bit more of an adventure as we weathered two major storms. Friday's soak drenched the crew, Mike & Michelle's tent and brought down tree limbs crashing onto Lynne's camper while Serena and Alexander hid safe and dry in their tent singing songs, and "boom boom boom" ing while talking about Jesus in the storm and how he would protect us (that is now his favorite bedtime story we've had to read every night since). And after our singing neighbors went to sleep at 2am and Alexander woke up a very chipper boy at 5, we were well ready for some Sabbath afternoon snoozies. After Saturday night's storm, we were blessed with a baby who slept through the entire thing, in spite of crashing thunders that even woke up David and settled our tent in a 6" puddle of water. God is awesome, and out tent is amazing. We were completely dry! Alexander even "slept in" until 6:30 for us. In spite of the drips and drenches, we had a great time swimming in the lake, playing games, and eating way too much camping food. Alexander and Grandpa had some quality walks and chats, and time for trains, diggers, and mudpuddles. Alexander continues to impress strangers and family alike, and seems to have quite the following amongst the young ladies. Cheyanne (9), Rebecca(10), and Sienna(4) all took their turns doting over him, escorting him around the playground, or sharing toys on the beach. But when the weekend was done, he still was happiest to hang out in the car and wait until we packed up to go home. I think we were all ready for some r&r after such a weekend's adventure.

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, August 28, 2008
At 10:09 PM
Comments :

Alexander's Latest Words and Signs


By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, August 27, 2008
At 1:30 PM
Comments :

Alexander loooves Cousin Haley!

The week we returned from vacation we were cheered by a surprise visit from a few of our favorite Minnesota Johnsons. Grandpa and Grandma J. brought Haley for a getaway trip to Michigan! Haley stayed at our house several nights so we had lots of time for some girly shopping and crafts, swimming time with Alexander, evening movies and a couple games of Monopoly, Sorry, and Uno Stacker. Wednesday morning we went to the Farmer's market and Alexander and Haley got matching giraffe "Ann Arbor" shirts. After Thursday evening at our house we put out the cool sprinkler that Grandpa and Grandma J brought. All us "kids" had great fun in the sprinkles, and Alexander delighted himself in full spray trying to drink up all the water. Afterwards we basked our tastebuds in yummy ice cream (and a banana for baby Alex). David took over babytime Friday morning so us girls could hit the craftstore and the mall for some back-to-school stuff and crafts. While baby napped we painted little ceramics (a couple for Lauren, Megan, & Cody too), and we spent at least part of everyday in the pool. Sabbath was a bit of a quieter day with a trek to Gallup park after church, lunch, a little rest, and some more girly sand-art time. And Sunday was peppered with parks and swimming, Lunch at McD's (Alex was so cute with his little chicken nuggets and fries (and veggies from home, don't worry!), and rounded out with a picnic at Nana's with Happy Birthday, Jan! cake, and ice cream. This time Alexander did get to share a few tastes much to his delight. It was really a lot of fun to have Haley around even in the quiet day-to-day things like grocery shopping. Alexander really got attached to her too and they had great fun together. It was sad to see everyone go. We miss you and we're thinking of you! See you again soon!