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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


First Tastes of Fall

Grandpa and Grandma came down this weekend to celebrate Grandpa's birthday and to spend some time with Alexander (and us too, I guess :) ), and Sunday morning we headed out to Plymouth Orchards to get that first swig of cider in for fall. Cider and donuts have always been a childhood tradition for Serena since she was little, so the six of us trekked over to introduce Alexander to the crispness of apple season. There were some fun little photo ops and a little petting farm for Alexander (with signs that say don't touch the animals- go figure!), and we wrapped up the morning with nothing less than apple cider and cinnamon donuts. Even so, Alexander still got cheese and crackers this year- he'll have to wait a bit longer for that unpasteurized and sugar coated stuff.

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, September 24, 2008
At 8:54 PM
Comments :

à la maison

It's hard to believe but as of September 11, we've made the giant leap to bring Serena home full-time with Alexander! I think she was a bit more moved than expected when it actually came time to depart from EWI where she's worked for almost five years now. I know she's enjoyed her time through all the different things she's done there, from running auto shows and traveling around Canada and the US, and then lately doing more office work for trade shows since she's been working part-time after Alexander was born. They've been so great to us working with her schedule and home-time needs and had a really nice team to work with throughout the years. So we embark upon a new phase of our lives and Serena's really excited to be home where she's wanted to be for so long. A whole new adventure is just beginning. Now we just have to make sure she doesn't spend all her new free time at the mall!

Serena's Little Corner of Corporate America

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, September 15, 2008
At 10:24 PM
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Summery Summary 2008

Just a little wrap up and reflection for waning summer days. What a time to remember as we embark on new adventures ahead!

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, September 14, 2008
At 12:39 AM
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Summer Science .01 at Nana University

Summer report card written by Professor L. Johnson at Nana U.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, September 01, 2008
At 12:26 AM
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