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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


A Special Schaper Celebration

We were delightedly surprised this year when a couple of weeks before Christmas we heard some rumors that a Schaper gathering might be in the works. We've always loved hosting a "wallabalu" even in our little space, and we hadn't had a Schaper Christmas in a little while, so we were super pleased to hear of a surprise gathering to celebrate a special birthday for Aunt Nancy and do some festiviting with the whole crew. There were a lot of 'pendings' - weather, driving from out of staters, prior commitments- but everyone made it in by Saturday evening. We had our traditional (only slightly scaled down version) Noodle Bake dinner. And when the doorbell rang twice to reveal two sets of Northern Michigan Schapers (fighting foggy and on the way back icy roads) Aunt Nancy was quite surprised indeed. Later all 17 or so squeezed into our family room for presents for the kids and a very special gift for Aunt Nancy from the cousins.

The night ensued with chatting, yummies, a touch of cleaning up, and games around the table through the late hours of the night. We were excited to have cousins Mike and Dee with Trent and Lexi stay with us and share kid stories and tricks of the trade. Alexander, though a bit out of sorts after the high energy week talked about "Mik-n-Dee" coming to "our house" for several days. Nancy and Serena's mom returned to join us on Sunday morning for a yummy brunch and pictures galore before everyone had to head home. It was a fine weekend, and good just to have everyone together again for some good laughs and chatter even with the touch of chaos on the side. We're so very glad that everyone could make it down for a shadowy hint of the 'olden days' and we look forward to cottage events and warmer visits down the road.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 29, 2008
At 7:46 PM
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Winkler Family Christmas

It's been a joyful season, and really a Christmas week for us here. Monday before Christmas Grandma and the newly named "Grandpapa" came down for a present preview and to take Alexander on his very first sledding run! Mama was sick so she wasn't able to go, but Grandma took some pictures for us of the momentus occasion. Alexander wasn't too fond of the snow in his face, especially at the stop at the bottom of the hill, and being a little speed-freak it surprised us that he didn't have more fun, but he got a good three or four runs in before the crew headed back home for some warm-up time.

But he's certainly been enjoying some very special presents that Grandma and Grandpapa brought down- a very fun little 'tent'/workshop, his GeoTrax train and airplane and some more people, church, park & cafe from the MainStreet village set including his favorite, the "bide & goom." David has reluctantly accepted that fact that he has had to relinquish the main nook area in his newly refinished basement to Alexander's toy multiplication. But now, more than ever, Alexander loves to play in the basement, hopping from toy to toy. Oh what fun!

For Christmas day, we drove up to Brian and Renee's in Spring Lake for le grand evenement with Nana and Oma as well. It was fun to be with family and see all Renee's fun and festive Christmas decor. The tree was piled high with presents, and a festive table set for lots of soup, sandwiches, and yummy sweets. It was fun to exchange presents and celebrate the day with family. Though Mama was barely recovering from a nasty fever, and Alexander was a bit buzzed from the fray, he opened a couple presents and was happy to play with his toys away from the hubbub, to return to opening after the main event was over and things were a bit quiteted down. We took a lot of pictures and have posted a few here but you can find more on flickr.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, December 26, 2008
At 8:44 PM
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Watch out for the COOKIE MONSTER!!!

This is super-excited Alexander amidst the sprinkles, and ready to mix cookie frosting. He is sporting the other look you might get if you ask him to smile for the camera.

There's no denying that Alexander is a cooking fiend! He loves to cook, to bake, to play cook, to play bake. In fact one Sunday afternoon we found some Italian cooking show on the Food network and he really doesn't get to watch TV that much, but Alexander was glued to that television as we have never seen before- it was really funny! But we may have reached a new milestone in the formation of our little chef extraordinaire- the art of baking the cookie.

Serena made 80+ cranberry jumbles for a cookie exchange and Alexander was there with his mixing spoon every step of the way. He even helped bag them with tissue paper. However, he started to snitch some of the cranberries off the cookies so we had to tell him, "No these are Tonia / Ruthie / Sharon's cookies." But when they were all wrapped and ready to go, he insisted that all the cookies were for Tonia. (awww- his first little crush!)

So we thought that he would be thoroughly excited to take part in the annual sugar cookie baking extravaganza that has been a childhood tradition in Serena's family all her life. Nana came over one Wednesday for the rolling and cutting out of the cookies. Alexander was in charge of pushing down the cutters and managing the scrap dough (in which he cut his own little 'cookies'). Sunday evening we had Regina and Lisa come over to help with the Grand DecoFest. This included the four dozen punch out cookies in at least two dozen different shapes, at least six different colors of frostings and quite possibly millions of tiny sprinkles in every color and shape of sprinkle imaginable.

He had been waiting literally all day for this cookie moment, and wearing the lovely stripe smock shirt you see in these pictures, he delved right in to painting his cookie with frosting (with help from Mama of course) and sprinkling away to his heart's delight. He topped off each masterpiece with a tiny bite to make sure it was up to par. (Not to worry, his 'tasted' cookies had their own plate and were not mixed in with yours!) When he was tired of being neatly restrained in his high chair, he hopped from Nana's lap to Mama's lap piling the sprinkles on anything frosted you put in front of him. He had great fun, and finally retired to the bathtub for a good scrubbing from Papa. (Papa later decorated two cookies- in 3D!: the I love Christmas heart, and the I like Christmas heart, which Serena accidentally threw on the floor later on...) It was an event not yet forgotten. He even talks about 'cookie dough' in his sleep sometimes. Oh my- now if only Papa would let him eat more of these dilectable treasures... maybe for Christmas, Alexander... If you're good.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 22, 2008
At 10:17 PM
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Back to Bethlehem

Nana, David and Alexande cheese in "Bethlehem" (click here for a flashback pic from last year)

This year, David worked as one of the city guides in A2's Walk-Through Bethlehem. When he, or any of our garbed up friends first approached him, Alex was quite taken aback, but a slow strange smile crept across his face as the light dawned. We really had a good time at this year's event. Alexander was happy just to hang out here and there and sit in some of the tents to do some crafts. His little buddy David even came by for a bit and they made some fish kites together. But most of the time he was content to loiter by Nana's produce stand and ask for "Zeenies" (raisins) to munch on, or occasionally tag around with other tykes his size. Well, who knows, maybe next year he'll do some dressing up. I hear they were a little short on sheep this year!

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 15, 2008
At 8:51 PM
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Holiday Season with a Little Elf

Soaking up the Christmas glitz at the mall. This is one of the two looks you're likely to get if you tell Alexander to smile for the camera.

So the pace is picking up a bit as we're in full swing of the holiday season. Alexander is even more excited about absolutely everything this year:

He loves to help wrap presents (he holds the tape pieces on his fingers and gives them to you when you say you're ready) and carry them down the stairs to put under the tree. And if you catch him, or Papa, or even the cat for that matter- "snooping" and ask him "Uh-Oh! Is Tatou snooping?" He just cracks up laughing and laughing.

He's been delighting in all the "pretty" lights decorating houses and talks alot about "sun down, tree on" "sun up, tree off." He loves to come down the stairs and turn on the Christmas tree, and is just in awe of all the sparkles and decorations when you go anywhere like... the mall- oooh then he can hardly contain his joy.

He's actually a relatively decent shopper- especially when you take him during morning snack and he can munch on Cheerios for all or part of the trek. But he'll certainly offer his opinion on presents. If you pick the wrong color shirt for Papa, he will not accept it in the cart no matter how many times you put it back in after he throws it out, and he'll let you know which one you should pick instead. (It ended up being the gray one over navy).

He gives you the daily snow report. There's either a "lalala sown" (a little snow), or "woah sown!" (a lot of snow). He'll let you know several times a day whenever he looks outside. He will also excitedly point out any pictures of snowmen, angels, and Baby Jesus.

He's added a few twists of his own to the nativity story. When decorating the house for Christmas, we unpacked his Little People Nativity much to his glowing smile "fun! fun!" But in addition to having the little people act out the story of Christ's birth, we also have the wolf that visits the shepherds on a daily basis and who needs to be 'shooed' away several times by the shepherds. We tried to decide that the wolf (actually a sheepdog) was friendly and be accepted with the other characters, but that was short lived. Also, after the wise men come to see Baby Jesus everyone else gets invited to a big meal around the table, where of course, there must have been cake.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, December 12, 2008
At 9:09 PM
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Nerd Alert

We had to post a couple of these. Alexander had soaked his clothes with cup of water the other day at Nana's and this was all she had on hand to put him in until they were done in the dryer... This could probably be good blackmail material someday, but we thought they'd be more fun to show off now :)

Just a note that Alexander insisted that we take this one picture of his "bum."
He's probably going to regret that...

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, December 05, 2008
At 9:02 PM
Comments :

Just for the record

We wanted to make note of some of the amazing things that Alexander is doing by his 20th month of life.

  1. Jumping with both feet off of the ground or off of other objects into our arms - changing table, climbers at the mall, etc....
  2. Chatting about everything that is going on, giving us a perpetual running commentary.
  3. He can count to ten with the help of Mama's fingers.
  4. Plays hide and seek in pretty good spots, and actually (usually) stays quiet when it is his turn to hide.
  5. Understands the game "your getting warmer/cooler" when searching for items.
  6. He can match, say, and choose when asked all nine basic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, brown, white)
  7. He is able to put a chain of paper clips together, and is very proud of himself when he does, though he still can't always take them apart.
  8. He's just beginning to try to sing with us on a few songs. (Kumbaya, Jesus loves the little ones like me)
  9. He is able to speak in a few little sentences. And answers "Oui Maman" when asked " Alex, est-ce que tu parles français?"
  10. Knows about half of his letters but doesn't have them in order yet.
  11. He's starting to use articles when speaking (a, an, the).
  12. Expresses his emotions. (happy, sad, talks about things that are fun or funny)
  13. Loves to talk about BIG and little or a little and a lot. (says WOAH for big and lalala for little)
  14. Can put on his socks, and has been able to take off his clothes for a few weeks.
  15. Knows, and freely tells you when he has to go/has gone "poopy".
  16. Beginning to learn when to say excuse me when he burps or farts.
  17. Must drop everything he is doing and have a grown-up run him outside every time he hears the "trash guy" on Monday mornings. They come by at least 4 times.
  18. Knows that the baby is part of his family and that it is in mama's tummy.
  19. Absolutely loves to cook and his favorite food to cook with is eggs.
  20. He is learning his shapes thanks to a cool puzzle at Nana's house. (He loves going to Nana's house)
  21. Talks about the people in his family including Grandparents and Tatou. And is happy to point out when the family is all together and how it makes everyone happy ("Mama, Papa, Zahzah, Nana in the car. Family. Happy Mama, Happy Zahzah etc...")
  22. Loves Sabbath School and Church and actually will be sad enough to shed a tear if he misses it.
  23. Loves to give his offering to Jesus and talks about going to church when you ask him where he is when he is hiding.
  24. Loves to hear us sing and requests quite firmly his favorite songs.
This baby has been amazing to watch grow and become such a little boy. He has so many other things he is able to do, say, choose, and understand that we could bore you to death with all of them. But this one's for us. In case he's just not documented enough :). We love you , Alexander!

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, December 04, 2008
At 9:44 PM
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Thanksgiving Times Two

This year we got to celebrate quite officially two Thanksgivings. Thursday, David and Alexander spent the morning (while sick-mama took some quiet time) helping Nana tuck in the yard with raking and weed pulling. And we all headed out to a (heaven-forbid) restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, we are slightly ashamed but the way we thought of it, why do all the cooking twice?

Alexander, Aunt Renee, & Bowser | Kid Meets Christmas Tree 2008 | Smiles with Grandpa

With Michelle working the holiday, we celebrated in royal Thanksgiving style on the weekend when after church we headed up north to Saginaw to meet everyone at David's parents'. It was a thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings Sabbath evening. Brian and Renee brought the newest family member, little Pomeranian Bowser who, after an initial nervous introduction thoroughly delighted Alexander with his bouncing, "kisses" and happy play. Though Roxy (Pom #1), Bowser, and Alexander had a couple 'cousinly' arguments about whose balloon was whose. Great Grandma joined us for Sabbath and Serena's mom of course came up for the event too, and though Brian was pretty sick for most of the weekend, we enjoyed good company and all the yummies. With Alexander in snug care with Grandmas and Grandpa, Serena and David headed out to visit with a couple of David's friends Saturday night to catch up on some long-lost video game and movie-watching time.

Games with Grandpa | Learning Connect Four | Lap Time with "Oma" Great Grandma

Sunday morning, Alexander was up and ready for a new day as early as usual and excitedly helped Grandma and Grandpa with the egg cracking, pancake flipping, brunch cooking. He's been talking about cooking at "Grammy's House" ever since. It was fun to get together with everyone and kick-off the holiday season. Alexander's been asking each week since if we are going to Grammy's house after church. We're looking forward to lots of fun family times in the next few weeks. For Christmas we get to celebrate at Brian & Renee's for more festivities and memories to share :). Thank you Lord, for the gift of Family!

Cracking Eggs (his favorite!!) for French Toast, Pancaking, and Brunching

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, December 01, 2008
At 2:30 PM
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