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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Alexander in the Snow

Sunday, we headed to Pony Park for some time in the snow, and actually took a video camera!

(If you watch the video in YouTube itself you can click on "watch in High Quality" and actually see our faces!)

By Winkler World Online
On Tuesday, January 13, 2009
At 7:38 AM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What fun/joy to watch the sledding fun and snow angel. Alexander must have many many angels watching over him. . . he is so loved. Did you all go back to Nana's for hotcoca and cookies that's the way to end a day in the snow :) Love to all Gma, Gpapa

Anonymous lmn Says:

Yes, we did have hot chocolate and herbal tea (Alex) to wrap up a happy snow play. The little hill was a great confidence builder. He surprised us all when he said "Again". What a delight to have this easy technology to store memories more vividly. Come on down to play Gma & Gpapa. Lynne

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Oh, what fun to watch the video! Take more videos, please! Pictures would just never have done your day at the park the same. You will have the video to watch for many years to come. It was so much fun watching the sledding, especially by himself, and the big smile on his face as he came down the hill! I see many snow angels, and later, many snowball fights, with Papa in the future! And when his brother is old enough, Alex will show him how to make snow angels, too! Love ya,Nan


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