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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



Though this will come as no surprise to most everyone by now, we are pleased to officially blog the announcement of the newest little member of our family. With God's blessing, we're expecting a new little baby boy to join our family at the end of April! Here's a first little clip of his profile at 20 weeks.

Alexander is very excited about the new baby, and has enjoyed talking about him and looking on the calendar to see when the "baby come." He likes to feel him kicking in Muma's tummy and has taken new interests in the doll at Nana's house and taking care of Curious George (brushing his "hair," changing his "poopy diaper etc...) There will be a lot of adjustments for Alexander. Already while rocking at naptime the other day he said the baby/mama's tummy was in the way. We're sure there will be some rough moments at first, but we've gotten some good tips from people, and I think that in time he's going to love being the "big" brother. He loves being helpful, and will have fun teaching baby brother so many new things.

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, January 01, 2009
At 11:00 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Looking for a name to go with this image. . . any final prospects yet. Also looking forward to holding and spoiling grandson #2. Much love gma, gpa


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