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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Our Little Valentine

We had a lot of fun last week, delving into a bit of Valentine's bliss. On Wednesday, Mama and Alexander made cookie dough and punched out a few dozen little heart cookies. He's always excited to get out the rolling pin and make the punches- the trickiest part, getting him to leave enough space between them and not punch on top of each other. Thursday, we pulled out our crafty-hats and made a few Valentines for the grandparents and for Papa too, of course. Mama threw a red sweater on Alex and took some spur-of -the-moment pics for our cards. We've found some really cute websites with a lot of fun and easy and free printable projects (FamilyFun.com and Wondertime) that worked out really well for our little cards, and Alexander had fun gluing on the pictures & frames to scrapbook paper, and sticking all the stickers inside. He even did a bit of taping and more exciting gluing for a couple of little heart 'mobiles.' Friday, Nana joined us for some more cookie decorating fun, with Alexander doing most of the sprinkling and Nana doing most of the background frosting, and Mama playing sprinkle/cookie police, and Papa being our official cookie taster. Though as you can tell, Alexander also had a modest sampling of cookies and sprinkles alike. We had made a very special super-big heart shaped cookie that we decorated last. It turned out that Alexander decided that he was going to simply dump all the rest of the sprinkles from the plates and little dishes onto this one cookie, and then smooth it out by wiping his finger through the frosting. "Yummmm" said Papa taking a rather crunchy bite a couple of days later. So it was a very fun and festive week. Nana so kindly took Alexander for a sleepover on Valentines night to give Mama and Papa a date-night. Nana took Alexander to a wedding at church, and he was very excited about that because he has his "bide en goom" people in the basement that he likes to play with. When he asked if Mama and Papa were going to the wedding too, Mama told him that no, Papa and Mama were going on a date "to be romantic" and Alexander said he wanted to be 'wo-man-tik too." It was very cute. We told him that the wedding would be very romantic, and he seemed to accept that. But we had a lovely baby-free evening which we spent lingering over cheesecake and coffee and parusing Barnes and Noble for a couple of hours which we haven't done for probably at least two years or so. We even got to sleep in on Sunday morning. Thank you Nana!

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, February 15, 2009
At 9:07 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Looks like lots of fun was indeed had. We just loved our valentine card/pic . . . took to wrk to do some gma bragging . . they've seen pics from beginning and still oooh and aaah about how cute Alexander is. Have heart mobile hanging from lite ovr table. Really love this new 'mail' sharing . . .
gma, gpapa

Anonymous Nana Says:

'Twas a fun cookietime with delicious results! Alex was excited to see the groom appear and the bride come down the aisle after the little flower girl sprinkled the flower petals. He was quite friendly at the reception and adorable as he knelt by his chair to pray for the blessing on the food. Praise the Lord he's being raised in a loving Christian home.
May he continue to grow in the Lord.
Sunday we had fun punching out hearts in the brownies we'd made on Tuesday and tracing hands to make a heart and a "boing" hug on the inside of Mama & Papa's card.
AND ... he slept in the "big boy
twin bed" which Nana found much easier for singing back rubs.


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