We Are American... Therefore We Watch...
"Woah Pizza!" | "You know, Papa- that call should have definitely been out!" | Into the game
It's a once a year event- the fact that we sit down in front of the TV and watch... football. Yes, for one day, even Serena embraces her Americanism and subjects herself to the raw glitzy commercialism of sport called the Superbowl. Mostly for the conversation, and the culture of it (as little as Serena would ever claim it as her own), and to do our democratic duty and vote on the commercials. Usually Serena does some sort of baking during the Superbowl. One year it was homemade biscuits, one year it was Creme Brûlée. This year we got completely American and ordered Dominoes Pizza and Frosty's from Wendys, with a side of fries for Alexander. It was a royal, last minute affair when at 5:15 we hopped in the car to pick up our game-eats. "Are you ready for some football??" shouts Papa. The little giggly "yessss" from the backseat never quite mimics the enthusiastic "Yeah!!!" we were trying to train him to say.
Now, you must understand that Alexander absolutely loves French Fries. And in spite of the fact that this is indeed a very rare treat, if you drive through any kind of window and place an order, he'll call out from the backseat "Fries!! Fries for Zahzah!" He was devestated when we stopped at McD's during our Christmas day drive up north for a bathroom break and they were closed. "Fries are closed!" he repeats randomly at least a couple times a week. So we had to entice him a little bit. After we picked up the pizza we told him we were going to get a treat from a window just for him. In spite of all the clues we gave him, he couldn't quite get it. He might have recognized the golden arches, but we don't really do Wendy's so he was still stumped until David actually placed the order. Then he just completely lit up, and we couldn't get to the pick-up window fast enough. "Car go... Fries... go car!" he was calling as we waited out turn rather impatiently in line.
In all it was a good game. We flicked between House and the game during the slow parts, when our Cardinals were behind (we always vote for the underdogs), but tuned in for the dramatics of the fourth quarter only to be disappointed, but happily so for spending our time on something that actually turned out to be pretty good in the end. Besides, Alexander could use a little more manly grunting and sport in his life. And a little Football once a year does an American good.
So which ad did you like best?
Looks like great papa/son time and yes every boy needs at least one day of 'football, grunting, pizza and french fries'. gma,gpapa
Pizza and frosties from Wendys? Oh, my achin' stomach! Nancy