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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Alexander Turns Two!!!

Well, We are now officially the proud parents of a two year old! We had a delightful birthday celebration on Wednesday- something a bit quieter at home, but we were so happy to share the day with Nana and have Papa home for his birthday lunch. Starting with wake-up, Mama made a point give Alexander lots of little birthday treats from letting him do the chapstick himself all day (a point of conversation ever since) to dunking graham crackers in milk for snack, to extra birthday boy lyrics to his 'potty song.' But all day he was giddy for his birthday lunch and the Little Panda Cupcakes watching eagerly from their storage carrier / "cage."

David got to come home earlier than expected for lunch, and Alexander had requested Raviolis so that's what was on the menu along with veggies, salad, and chik-nuggets with the table all set with four grown-up place-settings. Nana arrived just in time for our yummy meal with our "little prince of the day."

Birthday time couldn't come too soon, and Alexander picked out his Panda, and soaked up his favorite song sung really just for him on his special day. He blew out his candles just fine, (he's only been practicing for six months) and knew just what to do and how everything worked, and he delved right into his birthday treat. The little Junior Mints surprised him- that was the first time he'd had anything minty. We rounded out the festivities with presents from Mama and Papa (clothes for summer including some sunglasses he's been requesting every time we ride in the car on a sunny day, and his first Wooden Train circuit). He was also giddy as just when we were wrapping up some train time, the doorbell rang and "the package guy" had brought a box from cousins in Minnesota! It was sitting on our front porch- just for him. Play-Doh and Memory- the day just couldn't get any better! (Thanks Uncle David & Aunt Karen!!!).

Papa had to head back to work but Nana, Mama, and Alex headed out for some fun summer-tyke birthday clothes shopping as part of Nana's present along with a little "vet hospital" complete with locking doors/cages, boo-boo cream, "poke," and other doctor gizmos. (Just great for this little tyke recently obsessed with owies, and pokes from his latest doctor's visit) We rounded out the day with "cookie-baking" a.k.a play-doh time, and a light supper with Nana followed by a little walk outside. Soon it was time for stories and worship and kiddo-bed with tuck-in kisses from Papa just-in-time. That night, Alexander was pretty tired after a short afternoon nap and a very busy exciting day. He was snugly and sweet, and asked ever so kindly for extra songs during his tuck-in. At his last request for "pweese one mo song, Mama-" Mama couldn't help but sing a very quiet slightly nostalgic version of "Happy Birthday" to a super-grinning little two-year old under the covers. After kisses and love-you's he said it was okay "Mama go, now." Oh how so very quickly these years have flown by.

Alexander munches another panda cupcake for desert the next day. Such a cute bear reduced to a pile of crumbs!

Also, a little home video: Nothing fancy to this one-- just as is. We could have just let it sit on tape for 15 years- but what fun is that?

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, March 19, 2009
At 10:14 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

We're just amazed at the amount of development this past year. Looking forward to the rest of this blog. . .

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Reading this brought tears of happiness/joy/nastalgia. Alexander is such a sweet/kind spirited child. Laying out pics from newborn til now ---amazing is all we can say. . .enjoy every single moment of time we spend with him. And yes the comment with no name is mine too. Love gma,gpapa

Anonymous lmn Says:

I second the teary response and enjoying every single moment spent with him. He is indeed such a sweetheart. Tuesday I delighted in his courteous "Nana, may I have a 'amil cacker' now, 'peas'?" And his smile and sparkly eyes continues to light up the room and our hearts. Thank you, Father! and continue to bless this family with as they grow in Your love.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Oh, how I wish I could have been there! What a great birthday, love the pandas! And the sunglasses, especially slid up on the head...hey, are you ever cool, Alex-O! Thanks for the video, it was wonderful! Glad you all had such a wonderful celebration for a growing fast little man! Love ya!


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