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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



It's just a little sad to see Alexander exploding with new language skills and watching his pronunciation and grammar get a little better every day. He's already got a running commentary on everything with sentences, paragraphs, concepts, and connections that surprise us at every turn. Before he begins reciting Shakespeare, we thought we'd jot down a few of our favorite words he says lest they slip away entirely.

-Fakes 'n Zeenies- Raisin Bran, which just this week he now calls Fakes 'n Raisins
-noonie- nudy / naked as in "noonie ZahZah!!!!" before every bath
-Zahzah- That's what he calls himself, though he can say 'Alexander' if asked.
-Deedee- His name for his little friend David, that just switched to the real thing the other week.
-BupBumm-BupBumm- Dinosaur (that's the sound the one at Toys R Us makes when it walks)
-Googie / DigDig - Diggers, All yellow construction vehicles (except dump trucks)
-Weeyooo Weeyoo- Fire engine and Ambulances that are going "to hep sowwon" (the sound it
-Upsomedom- UpsideDown
-Kankoo- Thank you
-Totee- He finally 'lost' this one about a month ago; now he does say Tatou correctly
-Mama so kind!- If you share something with him- like part of your snack
-gow, gow- That's the garbage disposal 'growling'
-woooooooo- vaccuum cleaner
-sheee- share, as in "Zahzah shee Papa" handing him a half bitten, soggy animal cracker. We're
still working on 'giving others the best'.
-amies- animals
-sahny- "sorry" And if you do something you would apologize to him for (like opening the breakfast fruit when he wanted to do it) He'll scrunch up his face & eyes and whine a little fuss saying "ooooooh sahny mama!!!" because several times Mama has said, "Ooohhh I'm sorry, Alexander I didn't know you wanted to ..."

- drops the 's' at the beginning of a lot of 's' words- stuff becomes "tuff;" Squirt becomes 'quirt' etc...
puts a 'd' in the middle of words that have two vowel sounds- mail becomes 'madle;' wheel becomes 'widle' etc...

- likes to use 'nope' & 'yep'
-'er' or 'le' at the end of the word is pronounced 'y'- like fingy (finger), wiggy (wiggle), ticky (tickle), etc... (but not little)

Yah, so we could write on and on and on... and maybe we'll add a few as we come across them, but it's been so fun to watch all of these things take off, and all his new additions (really his entire vocabulary) astounds us everyday.

Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD,
my rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

This is just the tip of the mountain. We're amazed at his memory, abilty to put sentences together and even see cause/effect of certain actions. . . God has surly blessed with such a gifted child. MOST important is his outward giving of hugs and love, his mostly pleasant disposition. Can't say enough how much we LOVE hime (and mama/papa) Love gma,gpapa

Anonymous Nana Says:

I'm so glad you're noting these, because it's so easy to take for granted, and his speech getting more accurate. (and oh so amazingly complex for his age) One of my latest grin-bringers was when he put a foodish hand in his hair; he saw my look and "Oh, Alex" about to vocalize and he said "Oh, Honeee." (Mama's line). Another highlight: we were
pouring out a few Cheerios and one went "jumping" out far from the others. It struck us both as funny which multiplied even more as we enjoyed laughing together. It's still a grin-bringer as one of us reminds the other. (Even helps a bit in picture poses)
And how I love his eyes tightly scrunching, kneeling, folded hands prayer posture which lasts quite long. May his communion with God ever grow to guide his life. Nana


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