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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



Mama took four hours of her day off today and made Panda Cupcakes for Alexander's birthday from the book Hello, Cupcake. We received it for Christmas, and Alexander absolutely loves this book. He often pretends to make the cupcakes of various pages himself in his little kitchen, or even has his little people making them, so we thought he'd get a kick out of something real from the book. Mama picked them because she thought they looked like some of the most "doable" of the bunch, and they were just adorable. Alexander loves animals, and Nana had just pulled out an old National Geographic magazine at her house on Pandas a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot more work than expected, and the recipe (from scratch not box, mind you!) came out a little dry, but they were completely worth it. When he came home from Nana's Tuesday night, he was absolutely ecstatic to see them all in their little plastic "cage" eagerly awaiting his birthday. It'll be fun to watch him enjoy them on his special day!


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Anonymous Bridgette Says:

I admire your dedication to cupcakes. They look great!!! I don't think I could have worked on them for 4 hours.

Anonymous Mom Says:

They were SO adorable! Worth the time!(?) and not so dry with the frosting which wasn't overly sweet either. Your creativity just explodes in many dimensions, my dear daughter. It's so fun to share the results! Love, Mum


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