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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Two... Take Two!

Though initially we'd planned to do a birthday event, we later decided to keep it a quiet day here at home. So we were more than happy to go up and visit Grammy and Grandpapa the following weekend and Alexander was more than thrilled to make the trip up to "Sangeena." We arrived Friday suppertime and though Alex didn't finally settle down until after 10pm, he was up bright and early for his favorite morning cooking with Grammy and Grandpapa. He enjoyed Sabbath School with the kids, potluck with 'all the famee' and about a 50 minute nap in the afternoon in between playtime with some most favorite people, dog chasing (and hiding from), Lego building, and toy train repair lessons from Engineer Grandpapa. But when evening came and friends began to arrive for haystacks and some surprise festivities (we hadn't told Alexander anything about a second second birthday), he was just all a-giddy with the excitement of everything. Grammy had decorated his table spot with Thomas the train splat-mat since our arrival on Friday, and he was already excited to see his train banner and train place setting, but when we peeked in the window from playing outside to see a Thomas the Train cake he could barely contain himself. "Thomas Train Cake!" he exclaimed amidst giggles and smiles. Since birthdays are quite possibly Alexander's most favorite thing in the whole entire world, he knew exactly how everything was supposed to work. He requested his candles and was all aglow when everyone sang "Happy Birthday, Dear Alex." He didn't get his candles right away, and was a little surprised when little Autumn helped him out, but he recovered and delved right into his very brightly colored piece of cake. He was a charmer all evening and just so delighted with all the decor, yummies, and friends. He opened some very fun presents, including some more Thomas wooden train track, jammies & clothes (mommy was a bit more excited than he about those), fun sidewalk chalk, fire engine and train puzzles that make sounds when all the pieces are in, and another very special present. Alex had to sit with his eyes closed (a very hard thing for an excited two year old to do), and when Grandpa wheeled in the little red tricycle and told him to open his eyes, at first he wasn't quite sure where to even look. He was looking all around until Papa stood him up and took him over to it. His eyes got wide and the first thing he had to do was ring the little bell. ...and the rest is history. He and Autumn took turns (a bit reluctantly with the turns on Alexander's part)with Grandpa riding around the basement for a while. Before long the weekend crash began to set in. Alex requested some much needed quiet story time away from the hubbub before it was time for goodbyes and a late-night drive home. It was a heartwarming and special event, and much enjoyed by tyke and parents alike. It was fun to celebrate with extended Saginaw church family whom we don't get to see too often, and visiting "Gammy Gampapa house 'gain" has been the main request all this week. Thank you each one for making this birthday such an outstanding celebration and beloved memory for this little one. Blessings to him, and to each one for this third "extraordinary year" ahead.


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Blogger grandma Says:

Was with great love and a lot of fun to do this for our grandson. He gives SOOOOO MUCH joy/love/sweetness to our lives. Our friends really were impressed with his vocabulary, cheerfulness, easy go manners. . . gma gpapa

Anonymous Nana Says:

I think Grammy and Grandpapa had every bit as much fun as Alex. Michelle's creative side shone in that cute railroad name sign. He's a blessed two year old!


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