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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Getting Ready for Two

The past couple of weeks we've embarked upon prepping the house for two little boys. We decided to have both boys share the nursery and keep our guest bedroom- at least until they're a little older. We moved the new crib in there and the rocking chair out into the loft for a more neutral territory for middle of the night soothings. We got a dresser for the closet and a couple of months ago David installed a shelving unit for double the clothing. Serena was pretty skeptical at first about having Alexander share his space and fitting two little lives into the smaller of the rooms in the house, but it's turned into quite a cozy space- complete with a little reading hideout that Alexander loves. Often he talks about "Baby sleep in Zahzah's room" and has tossed a few of his treasures into his crib from time to time "for baby." "Baby come soon" we say. We're ready for you!


for this post

Anonymous Mom Says:

Nana's really getting eager! especially when seeing the other two new babies at church. God be with you through it all, Hon. and helpful Papa as well. Love ya!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yep, we all are quite ready to add the next 'cutest little winkler' to the blog page. . .may your labor be short and uneventful . . be there for ya when ever you need us. love gma, gpapa


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