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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Between two Worlds


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I need to take some creative writing classes to express what these new pics mean to gma,gpapa. They are precious beyond expression. Can't hardly wait til the next blog book comes out. . hint hint hint love, gma, gpapa

Anonymous Mom Says:

He's adorable in real life, and you've got a knack for accentuating
the innocent beauty and delightful images of childhood we treasure. Thanks, Serena; and praise the Lord for your subjects.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Michelle, I'm sure these pictures don't even do the little man justice! He is just adorable! Tried looking at his baby pic and Ales'x baby pic together. Aidan appears to have a smaller mouth - but that doesn't mean he'll be any quieter! Anxious to see his personality as it begins to develop! He is beautiful, just like his big brother! God blessed you all, with these two children!
Love, Nancy

Blogger Sarah Says:

David, Serena, Alexander! What a beautiful baby boy you have born into the world! =) Melanie will love to meet you all sometime and have some playdates! Congratulations on your new son and brother...he is a little DOLL! =) Love you all, r + s fusté


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