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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Big Brother, meet Baby Brother

Before Aidan arrives, Alex is "practicing" - putting Susie in the carrier

We've been prepping Alexander for months to meet 'the baby.' From counting down months, weeks, days on the calendar, to various stages of babifying the house, to conversations and feeling baby kick from muma's tummy- he knew all about the changes coming to our home. So far, in the past five days he has done amazingly well. He's been so very kind and loving to Aidan and actually a real help to Mummy- getting little things for him here and there, or helping with diaper changes. "Wipe please, Alex." Alex hands a wipe to Muma. "Diaper please, Alex"...

Alexander spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Nana's house while Muma and Papa stayed at the hospital. When he arrived Tuesday afternoon for his first visit, he was cautious and moving slowly (there was also a baby alarm going off in the hallway). It may have worked out best that Aidan was resting in his little crib because Alexander could hop right up on Muma's lap and get his first glimpses of brother from afar. But soon he was eager to hold Aidan- with Muma's help of course- and couldn't help but oogle and google all his little features. He likes to say in this high squeaky voice... "He's soooo tiny!!!" while he touches his nose or fingers or ears.

Happy Birthday Cupcakes- Alex even got to frost himself! | Aidan and Alexander (also in a swaddle) get acquainted

Thursday afternoon Grammy and Grandpapa arrived to welcome Aidan and family home from the hospital and he and Grammy made some "happy birthday" cupcakes for Aidan. He's also got a little dolly, Susie, that often gets fed or changed when Aidan gets fed or changed. And aside from a couple of over-poking, or busy-body-bumping incidents, Alexander has been surprisingly gentle and understanding of baby Aidan's needs and a little less attention from Muma. He's also been blessed with extra doses of Papa Love and fun times with Nana and Grandparents during these first few days. He's been such a great big brother, praise the Lord! We know with time they will be beautiful friends.

Alex feeds Susie while Muma feeds Aidan | Alexander in the PlayDoh Kitchen while Nana and Aidan look on. | Storytime for two boys


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

These pics just demonstrate the amount of time and LOVE put into the child raising efforts. Soom Alexander will be reading his books to Aidan, helping hime 'eat' some playdough, and all sorts of other fun brotherly things. Yes we've all been especially BLEST by these gifts of life. . .gma, gpapa


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