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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Happy Mother's Day!

We celebrated another very special Mother's Day this year with the new advent of our little Aidan. We'd planned for something low key, but once again another spontaneous Winkler adventure marked its course. David had a couple appointments to run in the morning, but Nana popped over for a pancake (chocolate pancake that is! with strawberries and whipped cream) brunch and some down time before we all piled in the new gray Escape (farewell cherry red Audi twin turbo- sniff sniff) and headed up the "long trip" that Alexander calls it, to Saginaw. He likes the "long trip" because he gets to take his shoes off in the car- it's really a very big deal! We had a really nice visit at Grammy and Grandpapa's house. Brian and Renee had come in for the weekend and even Great-Grandma "Oma," as Alexander calls her, came over for a bit. Alexander got to see Grandpapa's bird's nest out back and play with the little train puzzle toy he loves. After Aidan had his supper, we headed out for some yummy dining with everyone at the restaurant where David's buddy Jeff was working. We enjoyed some more grandson play / oogling time later in the evening before a lateish drive home with two tuckered out boys and a sleepy Mama in the backseat. It was a really happy visit and a chance for Oma and Brian and Renee to meet tiny Aidan and take a slew of pictures :). We have been so very blessed to have family so close by and mothers who love and have loved so richly throughout our lives.


for this post

Anonymous lmn Says:

What an enjoyable Mother's Day the whole day through! Thank you, Father, for such a caring daughter and expanded caring family.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes, it was a VERY special mother's day to have family together/healthy/happy/blessed beyond expectation. . . Oma still talking about the 'new little guy'. We are blessed so VERY much by Serena as are two very special little boys. Love to all gma,gpapa yep I got to this one 1st


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