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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Introducing Aidan Daniel Winkler

God is good indeed! Tuesday, April 28, our little family was so graciously blessed with our second son, Aidan. He is a beautiful, healthy, happy little boy- with lots of dark hair and dark eyes.

David has claimed him as a true Winkler, arriving speedily and precisely on time. We knew he would arrive quickly as Aidan had been riding low for so long, so when Serena woke up around 1am on Tuesday morning with contractions (a little stronger than the ones she woke up with for Alexander) already around 5 minutes apart, we didn't waste too much time getting ready to go. After her shower and a few last minute packings, we arrived at the hospital shortly after 2:30am at 5 centimeters. 20 minutes later at 7cm they decided to move her from triage to be admitted. We did take the epidural when we arrived upstairs to settle in for a more relaxing labor, and a little 'rest.' Less than three hours later, Aidan made his introductions to the world.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes, God has outdone himself with this little blessing/addition to the family. Will have to add more memory to computer to hold all the new pics that are sure to come ;) love love love, grammy,gpapa


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