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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


One Month Old

We had a few studio portraits taken for Aidan's one month milestone. It was a fun little experience, but a few turned out pretty well, and we got several sheets for free!!! We've posted just a couple of our favorites. As always you can't expect them to be a true reflection of this tiny treasure's charm and sweetness. Of course when wooing Muma's heart, there's not much of anything so beautiful.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Can't figure how we missed this posting, must of slipped it in. These pics are so VERY precious. . .and only give a small glimpse of Aidan's sweetness. Oh what a blessing he has brought to each/all of us. . .love him so much already. . .gma, gpapa


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