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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Two Weeks Old!

Aidan is now officially two weeks old! At his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 8lbs 11.5 oz and 23 inches long. It's been a wonder getting to know him these past couple weeks. He's a pretty laid-back little guy- sleepy and seemingly reserved. He's still eating every 3-4 hours including at night time which still makes for a sleepy Muma, but he's been opening his eyes brighter and brighter with a bit more wake time every day. He likes to look at the dark shelves in the living room that contrast the light wall, and loves to look at our faces and study us when we smile at him. He's starting to turn his head towards our voices / faces if we call him from another direction. But has known Muma from day one. He's a very content little guy for the most part and loves to rock curled up on your chest, his little cheek nestled close to your neck. What a gift to hold a new little treasure, so tiny, so trusting.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Grammy/Gpapa= these are just delightfully beautiful. . .looks like Aidan has taken to his world/enviroment quite well. . . and big brother Alex is just a wonder with him. . .so gentile/kind/loving really reflects on how much they are both loved and cared for. gpapa beat me to this one. . . better luck next time Love to all gma, gpapa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

He's a keeper! A beautiful, God-blessed keeper! Nancy

Anonymous Nana Says:

What a nice collection of pictures of this new little sweetheart. I can hardly wait til he starts smiling for real. He seems like he really is trying to get to know us.


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