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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Welcomes and Wishes

We were blessed this weekend with a visit from the great northlands of Minnesota! Grandpa and Grandma J made the trek to bring some love and meet the newest little addition to the family. We enjoyed some good company and yummy food and a few fun treats for Alexander and all around. Aidan was a rather sleepy host, but enjoyed his first bottle with Grandma J, and offered a few of his bright eyed moments in between naps. Alexander was a bit reserved at first but warmed up over time, eventually offering random hugs, showing off his favorite toys, and wanting to wear his yellow vest to match Grandpa J's. (Unfortunately he's also going through an anti-picture phase so we missed him in some of the photo ops.) We wrapped up the visit with an old-fashioned barbeque by the men. Uncle Bill, Aunt Carol, Alison and Ellen joined us for the event Sunday evening to make introductions to baby Aidan and enjoy the good cookin' on the grill. It was good to have a home so full of friends, family, and happy wishes.


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

grammy- looks like happy times were had by all. so glad that alex/aidan have so many 'old-er' folks to love/teach them. . . pics came out very well. gma/gpapa

Anonymous lmn Says:

Good to see Rick & Jan again. We 'mature' types don't change so much from year to year except for more creaks and slower strides. It's the wee ones that remind us how quickly time passes. It's also the ittle memories like Tonka trucks (again), yellow vests, guy-b-ques, family/friend circles, and little boys with scrunched eye prayer posture moving to stand by the lovely cousin that make us delight in family. Looking forward to the July 4th gathering. lmn


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