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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



This week was a fantastic week with the arrival of some very special visitors from Minnesota. Aunt Karen, Uncle Dave (Serena's brother) and cousins Lauren, Megan, and Cody made the long journey to hang out with us for several days, meet new little Aidan, and get re-acquainted with Alexander and all his two-year-old tricks. We had a great time celebrating both Megan and Nana's birthdays, and picnicking and grilling to our hearts content. Dave and David did some yard work for Nana, and Uncle Dave helped us out with a bit of mowing as well! We did a bit of swimming, a bit of play in the basement and a whole lot of baseball for Cody and toy lawn mowing for the Alex. We spent one day in the great state of Ohio visiting the Toledo Zoo complete with train ride (though Alex opted out at the last minute and waited with the grown-ups), animals galore, monstrous ice cream cones (Cody and Alex even got their own!) and some funny orangutans who put on quite a show for us complete with swinging, water gathering, and lettuce spitting right on the glass. Lauren and Megan stayed with us one night for our traditional game of competitive Sorry and some girly time for a movie, craft and more ice cream, of course. But we also just got to spend a lot of time chatting and just hanging out. Alexander's 'big boy' spirit was revived watching and playing with Cody and seeing all the fun things he could do. Alexander completely took to the girls and loved all the attention, being carried everywhere, and just enjoyed hanging out in the business and whoopla "with the kids." Aidan, who's been opening up more and more the past couple weeks, was happy to share smiles, tell a few stories, and soak up all the attention, holding, and special snuggles only aunts, uncles, and cousins can give. It was really a lovely visit that's left Alexander talking and talking about 'cousins' and "when they're coming back?" Time flies little Alexander... it was a visit not so long ago that they met you at Aidan's size. A whole lifetime of family fun awaits you!


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What a memory building time! :} Looks like all had fun even Aidan. Thought the link to the past blog was quite coooool . . .even more so that I figured out to click on it :) Next visit will be even more adventerous as 2 little cuties romp and explore with cousins. . . love to all gma, gpapa

Anonymous Lynne Says:

Great summary of a wonderful visit loaded with good memories! Michelle's right - the beginning of many more. We're blessed with such caring "kin" in many dimensions.


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