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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Welcome Summer!

Summer is finally here and we are rrrrrrready! Last weekend we celebrated Father's Day (and the first day of summer) in the great outdoors. On Sabbath, we headed for a hike at the Botanical Gardens (where Serena and the girls had wedding pictures taken almost six years ago!) just for something different, but though the trails were flooded out we got to see a miniscopic frog hoping across the path and had some fun exploring the garden areas.

Father's Day was pretty low key. David had an appointment in the morning, but after a mini-nap for Alexander, we headed to a new (*free!*) Splash Pad in Canton. Alexander absolutely loved it.... loved eating his crackers and watching everyone else play in it, that is. He went in a couple times- once with Mama, once with Papa but was pretty unenthusiastic about all the spraying going on. Still, he was ever so content to sit on his monkey towel with his snacks and didn't really want to leave. Maybe he'll warm up to the idea on a day it's less busy, and he gets used to everything. After a bit we headed over to swim at Nana's pool so Mama and Papa could cool off too. And of course we had to round out the evening with a Father's Day dine-out treat for the ride home in the car :). It was a fine introductory weekend to all the summer sunning that awaits us.


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Anonymous lmn Says:

Splashing around with a "cool Daddy-O" sounds like a great Father's Day with a great papa.
Looking back at the lovely wedding photo (and beautiful bride)brought smiles again especially with an anniversary coming up and seeing the Johnson girls six years younger - so sweet! and still so. Another of a million blessings. Praise the Lord! Mom, Lynne

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Ditto Nana, Oh what a day of blessings, cooling off and new experiences - water park - by end of summer sure Alex will delve right in. Pics are really great, can't believe how much Aidan has grown. love to all gma gpapa


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