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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Chef Alex "Kicks it up a Notch"

We've hired a new chef in our household! With a lovely new hat from Aunt Nancy and birthday apron from Grandpa and Grandma J., he is certainly the most professional looking chef we've ever had. Not only does he mix, measure (roughly), and look absolutely adorable doing it, he'll be the first to sample each of his creations, and share yours with you if you'll let him.

Chef Alex is known to spend time each day in his own little kitchen practicing his culinary skills and developing new recipes. His pretend cakes, cupcakes, and smoothies with the most extraordinary and imaginative ingredients, have become everyday luxuries around our home.

On this fine morning, Chef Alex (with his handy assistant Papa) made pancakes for the family. Not just any pancakes, mind you, but thick fluffy blueberry truck (he called them firetruck) and airplane pancakes. (Thanks again Aunt Nancy, for the supercool molds!) Upon tasting his delicacies, Chef Alex pronounced them good. I think the phrase from Mama was "Scrum-diddly-ump." Later in the day, Aidan agreed with a big smile. Bravo Chef Alex! Keep up the good work.


for this post

Anonymous Nana Lynne Says:

How delightful!
What a perfect present!
Thanks, Aunt Nancy.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Alex looks so 'right' in his chef's hat. . .bet the formed pancakes taste better than round ones :) we'll have to make some when grammy comes...love gma,gpapa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:


It would really be fun if you could make some of those pancakes for me the next time I come to visit. They look really good! So yummy! Love, Aunt Nancy


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