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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Fair Day with Friends

After taking a year off, we returned to the Ann Arbor Art Fair again this year, and brought some very good friends along for our crazy ride. Alexander's cousin Haley, and Serena's childhood friends Kathryn and Bridgette arrived in town Wednesday night for Thursday's grand event. The day started off with our typical early-morning riser Mr. Alexander bouncing about the house, and it later added pancakes and chatter with a table full of friends and family. After much ado, the crew finally made it out of the house and down to Briarwood to take the bus shuttle down to the fair. It was to be Alexander and Aidan's very first bus ride. We thought Alexander would be very excited, but with all the commotion with the double stroller, and a full bus of excited fair-goers he was a bit more fussy than 'excited'. We tried to hide the fussies under a whispered song of "The Wheels on the Bus." We got a few smiles out of that one. Serena had missed the fair and it was fun to be down in the hubbub of A2 at it's 'best.' With so many zany people to watch, tykes to manage, friends to reminice and catch-up with, and of course art of all kinds to absorb, it was a feast for the senses and more. We stopped for some smoothies and funny kidney bean ice cream at Bubble Island, and later met up with Nana for a lunch break. And almost everyone came home with a couple treasures by the end of the day. Aidan did amazingly well- snoozy and mild riding in the snugly on Mama's chest. Alexander also enjoyed a little bit of everything (especially the lunch break with friends) but found himself well overstuffed from the 'feast' by the end of the day. After the drama of squeezing us and stuff into Nana's car (instead of bus ride #2), and a refreshing nap, we ventured back to Nana's house for a picnic outside and a few quieter moments to visit with Kathryn and Bridgette. It was a fun, 'high' kind of day that leaves you with a smile on your face, but ready to kick your feet up for sure. But isn't that the nature of the Art Fair? See you again next year!


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What wonderful memories being created for both A & A. Alex will get right into the 'traditions' and Aidan won't be far behind. Next year keeping up with 2 mobile active boys should prove quite the challenge. . .will try to be off & available for it. Pics are great. love gma, gpapa

Anonymous Nana Says:

A summer highlight for sure - it draws you into its swirly sensory excitement, might stick a couple little packages on your arm and a not always so healthy nibble in your tummy, then sends you home with achey feet, happily saturated with art for another year.
It's fun looking for tyke type interests - though it's mainly a fun "grown-ups" day. The kids did great.


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