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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


A Classic Michigan Fourth

This year for the fourth of July weekend, we headed up to The Cottage for a classic holiday weekend with the Schaper fam. It was a marvelously relaxing weekend with nothing but hours for chatting, boating, babying, yummying, and, of course, watching fireworks. Aunt Nancy and the Schāpers got to finally meet baby Aidan and Alexander took turns hopping from person to person to make new memories with everyone. Alex also took his first tour of the lake on the tube with Papa, though he preferred not to go too fast. He went "fishing" with cousin Adam, and flirted with Karen and Alison, blew some bubbles with Aunt Nancy, giggled at Uncle Bill and Uncle Jim's fireworks, read stories with Nana, beach-bummed with Grammy and Grampapa on their Sabbath visit, and generally steered clear of the dogs as much as he could. Saturday night's fireworks from around the lake were a weekend highlight, especially with Uncle Jim's neighbor's spactacular display. Alexander really liked them for quite a while, naming all the colors and talking about the "close" and "faraway" ones. After each set he'd say "they all done now," but then another set somewhere else would go off. Eventually, he had enough of the loud pops, and went inside for a snuggle to sleep in Muma's arms. I don't think I could tell much more story than the pictures could so I'll post a few or check out this slideshow for more. It was a most lovely weekend indeed, with rumors of a repeat for next year. We'll be there! :)


for this post

Anonymous lmn Says:

Family at the lake:
relaxed, comfortable,
free to float
on a boat, a raft, or daydreaming,
between activities, photos,
and conversations,
hunting for worms and nibbles;
straining to rise on skis,
solving a puzzle, emptying a hand;
delighting in
kid exploration,
dogs' exhuberance,
baby snuggles,
noisy fireworks under
a full moon,
and scrumptious food by
family flavors blending again,
making new memories
in fresh and vintage minds.
Ah! We are delicious!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Can't do poetry, but can say a bid DITTO to lynne's comment and add that yes these summer times with family are precious memories for both Alex and Aidan. . . next year both will goe exploring and treasure hunting, the pics on shutterfly are really really great. will have to join just to get 25 FREE prints!! love to all grammy, gpapa


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