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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Three Months

Our tiny Aidan is three months old now! and not so tiny anymore :)! On our scale he weighed in at 14lbs (75th percentile) and 25" long (89th percentile)! It seems like he's been with us for so long, and it's getting harder and harder to remember his newborn days as now he's so alert, smiley, and watching everything that we do. Just today he's decided that he can roll over to his tummy whenever he feels like it, though rolling back to his back is still a bit of chance. He reaches for and bats at his toys, and can grasp them in his hands to manipulate them a bit while almost going cross-eyed doing so. He's happy as a clam in the little 'aquarium' with his feet a-kicking and little hands so very busy, or likes to lie on any soft blanket with things to look at nearby, especially if it's a reflection of himself. He loves to stare at his hands and put them in his mouth. He loves to hold onto a blanket or cloth, a hand, or Muma's hair (grrr...), and he loves to 'chatter' and be talked back to. His favorite word is 'agooo' and the 'ooo' sounds which he says very well. Serena says he said "Mama" the other day, though David calls it more like "two 'ma's in a row."

Aidan just has a very mild and happy spirit. He doesn't often get overly fussy-- generally only when he's overly stimulated/tired or just wants to be held. He'll watch and watch whatever we're doing, and is happy just be a part of the action- even if it's just sitting nearby. It's been a whole new adventure watching Aidan grow into his own little being. We've been able to enjoy each tiny infant phase a bit more, I think, instead of eagerly pushing him towards the next great feat, or constantly measuring him with all the "books." And Aidan has found his own little place in our hearts, with a love unique to himself. He's all ours, and entirely his own at the same time. Sometimes he just takes your breath away... a whole new world of a person is unfolding before us-- with a unique adventure to treasure and brand new delights to discover.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes, what a happy/content child he is. A real blessing to his sibling, parents, grandparents. I love that he loves to be held & cuddled (allows for more spoiling time :} ) Pics are really adorable. love gma, gpapa

Anonymous lmn Says:

Yes, the photos are great, Serena. He is such a calm and mellow fellow, yet very aware, especially of Mama; ready with that broad ear to ear smile and eager as Alex is to "join the conversation". What a time of wonder. lmn


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