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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Welcome Haley!

Alexander and Aidan's cousin Haley has been here for the past two weeks, and it's been a lot of fun having three 'kiddos' in the house. We've had a few adventures- a day at the art fair, a trek to Cedar Point, a bit of splashing around, and a shopping extravaganza up at Twelve Oaks. We've also had some quiet time around the house, late-night movies, Monopoly games, and sandbox sittings. We took a ton of pictures, and Haley made a blurb book of pictures of her journey. Alexander has loved having a new friend to play with- from tickles and little people, to play-doh and storytime. And Aidan got to share some of his priceless smiles and meet another new cousin for the first time. We made a few batches of banana bread and a cute little rainbow cake that Serena's been wanting to try for a while. Haley got to meet a few of our good friends, experience a crazy house full of people, and a crazy house full of nobody except us! She even got to help with a few very fun chores :). David recruited Haley for some video game duos and made the neighborhood circuit on a couple bike rides. Serena and Haley enjoyed crafting together and a few evening bookstore meanderings and Starbucks sippings after the tykes were in bed. Such is our life- the chaos and rhythms of our little family that welcomed a new little family member for some days in July. It's been a cozy couch- the five of us settled for "milk and story" and family worship before baby bedtimes- that has a little emptier space now. We'll miss you cousin Haley! You're welcome back anytime!


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Who what blessed memories were made with all the fun times spent with special family. . .Alex will sure remember Haley and other cousins from this past year's visits. Pics are really great. . .love to all gma, gpapa

Anonymous Lynne Says:

So good to have Haley here again. Alex loved a new buddy to play with. You kids are growing up too fast though. We just have to treasure each age and time together. You're all such a blessing.

Anonymous Haley Says:

It was such a blessing to come visit you guys again and catch up with Alex. Nice to finely meet little Aiden. Lots of memories are left behind for Alex and soon for Aiden. I was sort of sad to leave you guys though. Love You lots and lots!


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