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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Fall Begins at Wiard's

We were really blessed this year that David's company picnic was held just 'around the corner' at Wiard's Orchard. We'd checked it out last year but found it a bit pricey, so when the event came, we were really quite excited for the opportunity to go. After a yummy picnic lunch provided by Renewal by Andersen we headed out to celebrate the upcoming season with all the whoopla at Wiard's.

There were tractor tricycles to race, a huge Noah's ark inflatable playspot with slide, a labyrinth/maze to walk through, and a couple different little playgrounds. One had a wooden firetruck with a secret passage from the back to the driving cabin- Alexander just thought that was 'so neat!' There was a huge inflatable cow jumperoo in which both Mama and Papa got to spend some quality time accompanying Alexander, and a wooden castle with a slide and a pole. Papa won Aidan a bright yellow bear for ringing the bell with his focus and muscles, though at that point Aidan was fast asleep in the stroller. We took a very bumpy little tour around the orchard and pumpkin patch riding on an old fashioned firetruck (complete with bell and siren). Alexander was so excited that he got to pick an apple from an apple tree "just his size." Aidan's biggest feat of the day was riding in the stroller all by himself, without the carrier! And of course sucking his fingers while humoring us and making us smile while being held from spot to spot. But oh, what fun Alexander had all day. It was delightful to watch him bounce from one event to another and tell us all that he wanted to do next. Oh my, he didn't want to leave at all. "I want to 'tay, I want to 'tay." he kept saying when it was time to wind things up after about four hours. We never did get to take a hay ride, but I suppose there's always another time. Of course we had to enjoy some cider and doughnuts (and share some with the bees) before heading home. It was a wonderful family day and certainly well worth the price! I'm sure we'll be back in a couple of years when two little guys will be gallivanting all about and covered in cinnamon crumbs and sticky cider.

Alex and sleepy Aidan watch Papa flex some muscle. | Aidan and Papa chillin on the wooden firetruck. |
Alexander would rather pray for his doughnut and get started than take another picture with Mama. | Yummm...

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, September 21, 2009
At 10:01 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What a wonderful family outting/memory. Looks like everyone had lots of fun. . .definitely a place to revisit . . .can stop the blog withdrawal :) love gma, gpapa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Sounds like you had a great time. Now that Alexander is a little older, he can explore all these neat things in the parks. And what's great is that he can identify what the different things are, like the fire truck, the apple - the Alex-size apple. You're right, in a couple years you'll have 2 little guys running from one thing to another! Thanks for keeping this website so up to date! Love the pics! And notes! Nan

Anonymous lmn Says:

What a perfect September outing especially when it's free! Certainly a variety of fun activities for active Alex & family to enjoy in the still warm weather. Love your blog! Nana


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