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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Double Trouble

We did a little smile practicing today in Muma's makeshift "studio" we called it (aka chair with blanket and magnet leaves), and turned out some pretty charming little pics. Aidan was quite a bit more patient with the whole process than Alexander, but Alex was a good helper getting little brother to smile. Alexander is re-learning how to smile lovingly on que, so we came up with a few techniques. Melissa D. is going to take some family shots for us in a couple weeks, so this was good practice and good fun.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, October 12, 2009
At 10:52 PM
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Anonymous Nana Says:

These are indeed totally AWESOME pictures of two ADORABLE boys!!! My, oh, my, Nana's grins all over!!
Have to make some prints.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

You are quite the photgrapher-Serena, these are just so very adorable. I'll definitely need copies for my photobook. . .the outfits and back drop are just so very perfect. The smiles and brotherly bond is so evident. Could reach through the screen and give each a tight hug and smooch. love to all gma, gpapa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Great pics! they are both getting bigger! Too Cute!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Karen is so right! Too Cute! Oh, they are so cute and I want to hug each one! Aidan is growing up too quickly! You are really a beautiful family, inside and out! We're all blessed to have you in our lives! Love ya all! Nancy


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