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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


First Swing!

We headed down to our playground on a lovely autumn Thursday-- Alex on trike, and Aidan in the stroller. Now that Aidan is sitting (woot woot!!!) he got to play a bit, and take his first swing.
Aidan just loved it, and ooohh how proud was big brother to push Aidan-- "gently" reminded mother-- on the swing!!! He even made sure to tell him, "Don't hold the chain, Aidan..." as to not pinch his fingers. Here are a couple pics from Aidan's first playground day of probably thousands to come...

Aidan in the tunnel | Brothers in the tunnel- though just after this Alex knocked him over trying to crawl across | Alex has a big boy swinging skill to show off too!

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, October 22, 2009
At 12:32 PM
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Anonymous Nana Says:

So many special moments now and yet to come. They are both such a delight. I love how Aidan plays so happily in my activity seat and how he loves to stand as I hold him up. "Noah" Alex has such fun building his sofa "ark" pounding the cushions with a mallet, putting on the pitch, heaping in the animals, always being sure there's a pillow for him, then later releasing the "dove" (loon) who comes back with a branch. Thank you, Father, for these moments and this family.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

These are just so VERY precious. . .can only immagin many many more outtings / adventures as these to precious boys continue to bond & grow. love gma gpapa


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