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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



Bubbles with Visiting Bowser and Roxy | Aunt Renee floats the bubbles up in the air | Bubbling with Grampapa

The past month has been quite a whirlwind for us. We've had our Prophecy Seminar meetings in the evenings four days a week while David's been running a full summer appointment schedule- working sometimes six days a week. Also, Brian and Renee have been staying with us in between apartment and moving into their first house! Needless to say it's been just a bit chaotic with kiddos getting to bed 10pm or later on meeting nights, and waking them early from nap meeting days, often times with Alexander eating supper in the car. But we've also had some fun opportunities for Alexander and Aidan to get to know their Aunt Renee and Uncle Brian a bit better. And when Grammy and Grampapa came to visit, they got to visit the whole crew in one spot. With all their driving, we headed up to Saginaw to celebrate Grampapa's birthday last Sunday.

Birthday Grampapa and favorite Grandsons | Snuggles for Aunt Renee | Aidan soaking up love from two Grandmothers.

After much ado and some rescheduling (though with just over a month from finding to closing- the whole story was quite a blessing indeed!), Brian and Renee moved into their very first house today! It's a great spot with a fantastic partially wooded yard, (great for little boys to play in, teehee), open living space with lofty balcony, and even a little back sunporch with it's own fireplace. We're really excited for them and all the fun they'll have decorating and dreaming and building their own "memories to last a lifetime." It was fun having a full house and it's been awesome to see God working through the fruits of the prophecy seminar, but we're also ready to get two little kiddos back on schedule and settle in for a quieter pace of fall. And with Brian and Renee so much closer now, Grammy and Grampapa can still visit the whole crew in one spot... well, mostly. Congrats B&R! God is good!

Happy New Homeowners!

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, October 05, 2009
At 12:17 AM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes this last part of summer/early fall has been quite hectic for all. But God does bless and open doors. . .Glad for some quieter times now too. . . love to all, gma,gpapa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Now that the chaotic part is done, we are finally getting settled in and our first house is starting to become our first HOME = )


Anonymous lmn Says:

I so enjoyed being David's assitant table leader for the seminar at New Beginnings. Alex and Aiden were so good in the kids' room. God indeed blessed the meetings. Pray for His leading with decisions. I'm glad to be part of the busy Winkler clan. Brian and Renee have indeed been blessed and will have fun making things homey bit by bit. (Takes time) Praising God always for how he leads and provides. lmn


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