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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


For the Love of Fall

We've had some beautiful days this fall, and since it's Muma's favorite season, we've been soaking it up as much as we can. We took a jaunt to Hidden Lake Gardens for Alexander's first lessons in tree climbing with Papa, and some leaf skating where Papa held Alex under the arms and floated his feet through the crunchy swishing colors on the ground. Even Aidan got a turn for that one. And of course we can't forget a round of giggly, tickle-filled leaf-pile pouncing. We found some great hideout spots in the evergreens to hold a 'meeting.' The discussion, it was decided, would be about Christmas planning.

A couple of weeks ago our friends introduced us to a new little park in town. We've made more than a couple treks down the trail since then including a picnic supper "in the woods!" as Alexander giddily exclaimed the first time he saw the picnic tables under the golden boughs.

On a couple less weather-warm days we spent some time making fall cookies. Alexander ever so carefully floured the counter, rolled out the dough (Muma got it started) with the rolling pin, punched them out, took off the scraps and spatula-ed them over to the cookie sheet with very little damage. Muma was amazed to see how her little two-year-old could have practically made them himself! He even had instructions for Muma to follow. "I think we need more flour on this rolling pin!" He would say. Another day, Muma did the frosting while cookie monster topped them off with sprinkling delights.

Aidan's had his share of autumn-soaking as well. Though he spends more time in the stroller than Alex (who runs down the trail and back to the stroller so that he really runs the trek 1.5x in total), he watches the tall tall trees, and sometimes he gets to sit in the piles or gets his feet jumped in the crunchy path. It won't be long before there will be two tots racing and jumping, we are sure. But we're in no rush. God is good- how lovely this season is.

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, November 01, 2009
At 8:59 PM
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for this post

Anonymous Mom Says:

The love,
the delight,
the eye for beauty,
for peace,
for fun,
And the sense of knowing
where it all comes from.
You are blessed!
I am blessed!
Your family is
richly blessed!
Praise God!
(ie: I love this collage!!!)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

We're not poetic, but these pics sure are. . .very heart warming. What a special blessing each is to us. . .will have to print it out - when get new computer. love to all gma, gpapa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

We're not poetic, but these pics sure are. . .very heart warming. What a special blessing each is to us. . .will have to print it out - when get new computer. love to all gma, gpapa


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